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The Words We Choose To Use Have Power
by Tony Vidler        If we want to give ourselves the best chance possible of influencing clients and prospects to change course, which is what professional advice is all about really, then there is no doubt that the words we choose to use can make an enormous difference. Enough experts have done enough research over enough […]
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Want Prospects To Open Up? Learn from the Pro’s who make millions doing it for a living…
by Tony Vidler        We need prospects to open up if we are to to do our jobs well and help them as much as possible.  That takes a bit more thought and skill than merely flicking between open and closed questions. In today’s world with it’s much greater emphasis upon individual opinion and with our […]
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transition to business
Lost Sales Skills: How to “get down to business” without drama
by Tony Vidler        The advice industry has lost a lot of sales skills, and it needs them. If we are to help consumers make better decisions and change behaviour then we have to be able to help convince them to change.   The first tension point for today’s professionals is how to transition from the […]
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Sales Technique Is The Key To Opening Minds
by Tony Vidler        “Sales Technique”…the very phrase sends shudders down the spines of professionals today it seems.  Despite the focus on our increased technical knowledge and the emphasis upon good process, financial advisers do actually have to “sell” – even if they don’t want to face up to that. A large problem for many newer […]
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Deal or No Deal? Advice is that simple at the beginning. Really.
by Tony Vidler        One of the greatest challenges for professionals working with complex ideas and products is to keep initial advice as simple as possible, without being patronising to the client or skipping the detail that compliance demands.  After all, it takes great skill and careful thought to be able to simplify complex information […]
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I sell…You sell…We ALL sell. Or should do…
by Tony Vidler        I am a professional.  I am a salesman. These two things are not contradictory.  We all sell stuff.  It seems like I’m selling my time these days…sometimes a product….sometimes it is just selling concepts and possibilities.  Mostly it is selling behavioural change & fixing other peoples’ problems though. But I sell.  […]
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Brainstorming for fact finding financial advice
How to challenge clients thinking without being confrontational
by Tony Vidler        Perhaps the toughest task any adviser faces is to challenge clients’ own thinking, but without getting into a confrontation that threatens the entire relationship.  Most of us find ourselves occasionally dealing with a client who already thinks they know the answers – they haven’t come to us for advice, they have […]
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To fix repeated problems, you need a process!
by Tony Vidler        For financial advisory firms the word “process” has become synonymous with “best practice advice”, but good process is so much more than just a compliant and well-documented series of advice documents. Process cures problems.   Process is what builds franchise businesses.  Process is what creates turnkey operations that are highly valued […]
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Written Advice: Should it be Clear? or Concise? Or Effective?
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to delivering our written advice to clients there is a tendency to be guided by the words used by the regulators, or law, in how that advice is framed or written. The written advice, be it financial plans or Statements Of Advice being delivered to clients, are however […]
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Financial advisor sales activity
Slow down and get better results
by Tony Vidler        To get better results one usually has to change something, and sometimes it strangely enough better results can be achieved from doing something which seems counter-intuitive:  Slowing Down.   Anyone who has played a lot of sport knows that when things get disjointed and are not quite working seamlessly, the trick is […]
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