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You need to get selling
by Tony Vidler   Advisers: Good advice process is not enough. Being technically competent is not enough. You have to get selling. I know that “Sell” is seen as a bit of a dirty word these days, but we cannot back away from the need for it. You have to sell if you are going to […]
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Try giving clients the Red Carpet treatment
by Tony Vidler        What is more effective: running a client seminar with 100 guests, or running 5 “red carpet” client events of only a dozen or so at a time? Research suggests that the best financial advisers tend to run smaller and more intimate client appreciation events, and do them regularly. The best advisers […]
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An easy way to get noticed in a busy world by Prospects
by Tony Vidler        You often have to do something different to cut through the market noise and get noticed by prospects. In the digital age it can be remarkably effective to go low-tech, and re-visit some of the old ways.  There is little doubt that very few people invest the time in creating and […]
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Professional Positioning Powers Elite Performance
by Tony Vidler        The elite performance achieved by some financial advisers seems to come down to them being better at positioning themselves professionally than average advisers are.   That positioning really pays off too: various surveys suggest that they get up to 2.5 X MORE business from new clients than average advisers.  And to […]
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Why your FREE service is a barrier to getting the right business
by Tony Vidler        Most professionals at some point offer complimentary initial meetings or consultations with clients as a “free service”.   It simply isn’t true, and that in itself prevents the right sort of clients coming your way. The fundamental reason why this just doesn’t cut it with consumers is because they don’t believe […]
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To Improve Lead Conversion You Need 2 Speeds
by Tony Vidler          Every lead is gold, and ideally every lead would result in conversion to a client.  The conversion rate really is often the difference between getting a good return on your prospecting and marketing efforts, or perhaps getting no return at all.   The short cut to better conversion is often […]
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If It Is Not Simple, You Are Not Working Hard Enough
by Tony Vidler        It takes a lot of work to make complex advice simple and succinct, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the creation of  a financial plan or  Statements of Advice. Those 40 page plans, or worse those 80 page plans and pieces of written advice, are barriers to consumer engagement […]
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Understanding why people buy…anything.
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to advising clients to change course or do something new we should remember the reasons why people buy anything, including “advice”.  If we want our advice to be effective (and lead the client to do something better than they are currently doing) then it is best to make […]
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Does “Growing” Really Mean “More Clients”?
by Tony Vidler        Just about every adviser says they want to be growing their business and need more clients….and they also want fresh ideas; the business satisfaction of solving new problems for new people; they want to do something NEW.   So they say they want more clients plus more interesting work plus more […]
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Make your professional designations mean something to clients
by Tony Vidler        Why aren’t more financial advisers using their professional designations and qualifications better? There is no doubt that there has been an increasing proportion of advisers pursuing professional designations, and an increasing number of niche choices in doing so, and there are more advisers with more acronyms than ever before.   Do […]
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