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Financial Adviser Titles: What’s in a name?
by Tony Vidler        Do financial adviser titles matter?  A good question given the number of advisers who seem to try and elevate their professional positioning by referring to themselves as something other than “a financial adviser”.  You know what I mean….financial advisers who have titles like “Risk Mitigation Specialist” or “Personal Financial Manager”….     Something […]
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8 Reasons Financial Advisers Should Have A Blog
by Tony Vidler        Every financial adviser should have a blog by now…especially now when so many consumers have so many questions about money, and so much time to google them, and so many opinions to read that it is overwhelming.  Becoming a trusted voice online has probably never been easier for an adviser in […]
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The Professional’s Branding Challenge: how to look different while blending in (& why it matters)
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to creating a personal brand as a professional, the irony is we have to look different – while blending in and looking the same. One cannot afford to look any less professional than your peers or competitors.  So to a large degree degree there is a market expectation […]
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your story
Be like George…share your story!
by Tony Vidler        Professionals should take a leaf out of George’s playbook and share their story.   Be like George.   Who is George?   He’s just a young man who is trying to get ahead in life and who took the initiative to get out and start marketing himself – and is doing […]
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