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You need to get selling
by Tony Vidler   Advisers: Good advice process is not enough. Being technically competent is not enough. You have to get selling. I know that “Sell” is seen as a bit of a dirty word these days, but we cannot back away from the need for it. You have to sell if you are going to […]
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Try giving clients the Red Carpet treatment
by Tony Vidler        What is more effective: running a client seminar with 100 guests, or running 5 “red carpet” client events of only a dozen or so at a time? Research suggests that the best financial advisers tend to run smaller and more intimate client appreciation events, and do them regularly. The best advisers […]
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Written Advice: Should it be Clear? or Concise? Or Effective?
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to delivering our written advice to clients there is a tendency to be guided by the words used by the regulators, or law, in how that advice is framed or written. The written advice, be it financial plans or Statements Of Advice being delivered to clients, are however […]
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How to find your Niche
by Tony Vidler        Knowing and working exclusively in your niche is nirvana for most professionals.     Your niche is that absolute sweet spot where what you are fabulous at overlaps with what you love doing, and it is something that other people value and will pay you for.   It is not a simple […]
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buying a financial planning business
What you need to know if you buy to grow
by Tony Vidler        As many advice businesses reach maturity it is common to consider whether they should “buy to grow”.  Should they buy another practice, or more commonly, should just buy a book of business from another practice.     The typical reasons suggested for wanting to grow through acquisition are: 1.  Get new […]
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If It Is Not Simple, You Are Not Working Hard Enough
by Tony Vidler        It takes a lot of work to make complex advice simple and succinct, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the creation of  a financial plan or  Statements of Advice. Those 40 page plans, or worse those 80 page plans and pieces of written advice, are barriers to consumer engagement […]
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A financial advisers best weapon: The Meeting Agenda
by Tony Vidler        One of the most powerful weapons in an advisers armory is the Client Meeting Agenda. Yet, so few use them regularly…. The client meeting agenda sets up the entire professional relationship – not just the next hour or so that you happen to be with a client. In addition; It minimises […]
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Is Acquisition – or Merger – Worth It?
by Tony Vidler         Many firms facing increased overheads and infrastructure costs in the next few years are considering acquisition or merger strategies as a survival or growth strategy.   Generally there appears to be  5 main reasons that advisers suggest as their reasons for acquisition of another business.  They are:    1.  Get new […]
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How To Get Paid For Each Piece Of Advice You Give
by Tony Vidler        Here’s a simple strategy for getting paid fairly for the advice you give….and I mean getting paid for ALL the advice you give…every step of the way.   There are broadly three possible parts to any client work: 1.  Planning 2.  Implementing, or “putting in place” any planning recommendations 3.  Ongoing […]
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Understanding why people buy…anything.
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to advising clients to change course or do something new we should remember the reasons why people buy anything, including “advice”.  If we want our advice to be effective (and lead the client to do something better than they are currently doing) then it is best to make […]
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