financial adviser value proposition


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The Madness of Creating Videos Without a Master Plan
by Tony Vidler        A little while ago I participated in a survey on marketing by financial advisers internationally.  The results were intriguing in that clearly there is widespread recognition by advisers of the importance and effectiveness of creating videos as a communication and marketing medium, however there is a disconnect too as the majority […]
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Could Advisers Be DRIVING Revenue To Online Providers?
by Tony Vidler        I do keep wondering if advisers realise how much revenue is waiting to be unlocked by them inside their existing business?   A little while ago I was talking with a business that provides outsourced client servicing solutions and they provided me with some of their data from working with financial […]
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Value is not Black and White, it is Shades of Grey
by Tony Vidler        At the most basic level “Value” can easily be defined: Value is Benefits less Costs. That simple definition doesn’t highlight the enormous range of definitions for “Benefits” though, which is why trying to understand what value is results in everyone seeing a different shade of grey. The range of possible benefits […]
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Did You Do A Good Days’ Work?
by Tony Vidler        With all the report writing and problem solving it is often difficult to feel like you did a good days’ work…you were busy for sure, but was it a good days’ work?  Or was it just being busy on “stuff”?   There is a simple test for any professional feeling buried […]
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Complicated products have owners manuals, why don’t ours?
by Tony Vidler        face it: our products are complicated as far as clients and prospects are concerned.   The funny thing is, nearly all of the products we buy are pretty complicated these days.  Even though we men folk tend to ignore them to begin with, most of the complicated products come with explanations […]
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keep it simple
Great Advisers Stay Simple
by Tony Vidler        One of my favourite quotes of all time is by Einstein: “If you cannot explain it simply then you do not understand it well enough” and nowhere is this more true than in providing advice in complex areas. Great advisers stay simple when handling complex matters.   It is not easy […]
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The Professional’s Branding Challenge: how to look different while blending in (& why it matters)
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to creating a personal brand as a professional, the irony is we have to look different – while blending in and looking the same. One cannot afford to look any less professional than your peers or competitors.  So to a large degree degree there is a market expectation […]
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creating customer convenience
The Professional Services Firm Model Of The Future Is Possibly A “Fast Food Alley”
by Tony Vidler        Ever noticed how the fast food stores tend to cluster together as some sort of “fast food alley”? Have you ever wondered why? There is a “convenience” element for the typical customer of course, however there is a more important reason – which might just be a useful lesson for professionals […]
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