financial adviser marketing


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The New Paradigm of Financial Adviser Marketing
by Tony Vidler        There has been a significant paradigm shift in how financial adviser marketing and sales functions interact. A fundamental change to how we understand and use the knoweldge of the consumers emotional buying cycle has already happened. The traditional view of “marketing generating leads” and then “sales converting leads into customers” held that […]
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Target Marketing: The Smart Play For Your Advice Business
by Tony Vidler        Target marketing is usually the difference between those firms who get the right sort of clients, and those who just get customers. Clients follow advice, because they value it. Customers engage in transactions.  They buy products.  They take a bit of advice here and there…as it suits them. Trying to get more […]
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The 6 Necessities of Modern Marketing for Financial Advisers
by Tony Vidler        I have no doubt that many financial advisers are struggling to understand what happened to their previously successful marketing methods.  Marketing for financial advisers was for years –  decades perhaps –  a simple matter of making a lot of calls and keeping a constant source of prospective future clients coming through […]
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3 Must Haves For Effective Marketing Copy
by Tony Vidler        For marketing copy to be truly effective it must have  “readability”. If something is easy to read and comprehend quickly then it will be effective – assuming the actual message wasn’t rubbish to begin with. If you have a good offer, or story, or service and can word that well then […]
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Marketing Your Expertise Via Webinar
by Tony Vidler        Advisers attend plenty of webinars, but very few seem to use a webinar marketing program themselves for marketing to potential clients, and it is a marvellous opportunity (if done well) to really position your expertise. Prospects generally have no issue tuning in to watch broadcasts on any number of areas of interest, […]
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First, Become Famous In Your Neighbourhood
by Tony Vidler        Where are your advertising dollars, and efforts, going to get the best return? It seems that the majority of small businesses get the majority of their new clients from their local area, which is not terribly surprising given that most professional service businesses largely compete on “convenience”. Without a compelling value […]
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An easy way to get noticed in a busy world by Prospects
by Tony Vidler        You often have to do something different to cut through the market noise and get noticed by prospects. In the digital age it can be remarkably effective to go low-tech, and re-visit some of the old ways.  There is little doubt that very few people invest the time in creating and […]
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How to create more compelling offers
by Tony Vidler        What financial advisers do is valuable, but it is often not compelling.  To creating more compelling offers  we need to bring the long term into short term focus, and the secret to that is defining short term gain. Because retirement is so far away…there’s plenty of time to do stuff, right?  […]
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digital marketing for financial advisors
5 basic tips for helping your next customers find you
by Tony Vidler        In a perfect world customers find you, rather than you having to find them.  The world is never entirely perfect of course, but certainly we can often do better in having customers find us…and the good news is that today’s customers are out there looking for the right provider.   We […]
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You know it is time to review the marketing plan when…
by Tony Vidler        Any time of the year is the “right” time to review your marketing plan, but there are definitely times – or signs – that it should be done even if you weren’t really planning to review it this particular time.   The “right time” to review your marketing plan is when […]
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