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The Biggest Mistake In Financial Adviser Digital Marketing
by Tony Vidler        I found this cartoon ages ago and I love it because it so accurately describes what I think is the biggest mistake in financial adviser digital marketing and I just keep seeing it happen over and over. Enormous effort and resource is put into creating wonderful websites, facebook pages and blogs…..then……nothing!  […]
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The 6 Necessities of Modern Marketing for Financial Advisers
by Tony Vidler        I have no doubt that many financial advisers are struggling to understand what happened to their previously successful marketing methods.  Marketing for financial advisers was for years –  decades perhaps –  a simple matter of making a lot of calls and keeping a constant source of prospective future clients coming through […]
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Using Facebook For Business: Where’s the line?
by Tony Vidler        Many advisers wanting more customers are hesitant about using Facebook for business as they struggle to figure out where the line is between being social and being commercial and being too personal.  Understandable really…it IS a blurry area for everyone, including the consumers who don’t really go to Facebook for business […]
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Make Your Marketing A Money Machine
by Tony Vidler        One of the essentials for practice growth is to build a marketing machine that keeps producing money.  A money machine which is a combination of mini-systems and components that keeps the whole motor running at full speed.   Most professionals have elements of the marketing machine…but just elements.  They haven’t built […]
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Get better marketing results by using what’s in your hand
by Tony Vidler        Every adviser wants better marketing results – no matter how good the existing results are. We want more, because in more or better marketing results lies the ability to leverage our businesses.  Yet in the constant search for more or better many advisers are overlooking the thing in their hands: their […]
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How to engage your Facebook fans
by Tony Vidler        The biggest social media platform on the planet – everyone is there. So how best to engage with all these potential Facebook company page fans who just might one day become clients, or at the very least become advocates?   Professional services firms seem to struggle more than most  other businesses […]
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To Friend or Not-Friend With Clients on Social Media?
by Tony Vidler        Connecting with clients on social media can lead to closer relationships and even genuine friendships , which equals greater lifetime value of the client, right?  But then….it can kill professional client relationships too.   So what is the right thing to do when it comes to befriending clients on social channels; […]
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Marketing NEVER Stops For Today’s Adviser
by Tony Vidler        I was asked “when should I slow down or stop the marketing?” Answer: “Your marketing never stops.  Never.”   The rationale behind the question was the adviser has a good and large business – there are enough clients right now.  So it wasn’t a stupid question by any stretch.  But here […]
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What is the mix of content which is engaging?
by Tony Vidler        As a consumer yourself you know that there is a need to mix up the content if you want to maximise audience engagement, after all, you tune out pretty quickly if someone is posting or sharing the same sort of stuff repeatedly don’t you? Everyone does. Because it becomes boring. To […]
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How A Few Advisers Get Great Social Media ROI
by Tony Vidler         Why do some advisers seem to do so well and get such great social media ROI while others find it fruitless?  There are financial advisers literally building businesses on the back of social media – it is that powerful for them.  Yet there are hordes of advisers who would suggest that social […]
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