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The Biggest Mistake In Financial Adviser Digital Marketing
by Tony Vidler        I found this cartoon ages ago and I love it because it so accurately describes what I think is the biggest mistake in financial adviser digital marketing and I just keep seeing it happen over and over. Enormous effort and resource is put into creating wonderful websites, facebook pages and blogs…..then……nothing!  […]
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Using Facebook For Business: Where’s the line?
by Tony Vidler        Many advisers wanting more customers are hesitant about using Facebook for business as they struggle to figure out where the line is between being social and being commercial and being too personal.  Understandable really…it IS a blurry area for everyone, including the consumers who don’t really go to Facebook for business […]
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How to engage your Facebook fans
by Tony Vidler        The biggest social media platform on the planet – everyone is there. So how best to engage with all these potential Facebook company page fans who just might one day become clients, or at the very least become advocates?   Professional services firms seem to struggle more than most  other businesses […]
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Advisers should use Facebook – and think like clients when doing it
by Tony Vidler        Most Advisers using digital marketing today have Facebook as part of their marketing strategy, and I see most using it wrong in my view.   Facebook can be an immensely powerful element of your content marketing, or engagement marketing, if it is used well.   The key to using it effectively is […]
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