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Eliminate tyre kickers, and value your expertise properly
by Tony Vidler        Being properly valued for your expertise and eliminating the time-wasting tyre-kickers is an ongoing problem for many financial advisers.  That is even more true for those making the transition from purely commission-based remuneration to generating fee-paying work where they are charging for that time or expertise. Managing the remuneration transition whilst also […]
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Are you sure your clients know what else you COULD do for them?
by Tony Vidler        All too often advisers are disappointed to find that a client has done business elsewhere…that their “main” adviser could have done for them! The reason is usually a very simple one: the clients do not know everything we could do for them.  Or perhaps they did know, but forgot.  Or worse, […]
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One Fast-Track Method To Establishing A Reputation As An Expert
by Tony Vidler        Personal reputation is more important than ever before, and not just because more people are googling you before deciding to meet with you. One of the other main reasons your professional reputation matters so much is because it is increasingly a driver of professional referrals. rofessional referrals are those where a client […]
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Be “Someone” if you want to stand out and succeed.
by Tony Vidler        A professional service business built around a product is not a good service business. “Someone” is the best service business. A professional service business should be built around either the “service” part, or the “professional” part.  Or perhaps both. It is either a “someone” or a “something”, and “someone” is much […]
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Marketing Your Expertise Via Webinar
by Tony Vidler        Advisers attend plenty of webinars, but very few seem to use a webinar marketing program themselves for marketing to potential clients, and it is a marvellous opportunity (if done well) to really position your expertise. Prospects generally have no issue tuning in to watch broadcasts on any number of areas of interest, […]
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First, Become Famous In Your Neighbourhood
by Tony Vidler        Where are your advertising dollars, and efforts, going to get the best return? It seems that the majority of small businesses get the majority of their new clients from their local area, which is not terribly surprising given that most professional service businesses largely compete on “convenience”. Without a compelling value […]
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If you have no better way to market yourself, there is this…
by Tony Vidler        When all else fails and you are at a loss to market yourself effectively the easiest marketing path is to sell “convenience”. One thing you can count on is that there will be a significant proportion of the market place that values convenience above all else.  We all know, because we […]
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go to financial adviser
6 Steps to becoming the “Go To” Adviser
by Tony Vidler        “The modern sales professional doubles as an information concierge – providing the right information to the right person at the right time in the right channel.  Socially surround your buyers and their “sphere of influence”…”   Jill Rowley; Oracle.   The phrase “information concierge” captures the essential strategy for professional positioning […]
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Tailoring Your Content Marketing To Fit Your Audience
by Tony Vidler        One size does not fit all when it comes to content marketing: you need to tailor your content fit your audiences’ desires and needs.  It needs to be made to measure as it were.   As more professionals tap into the power of content marketing and create a presence on multiple […]
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Your Marketing Tactics? Well, it depends…
by Tony Vidler        Which marketing tactics are worth considering for your professional promotion largely comes down at the start to being clear about your desired positioning.  Are you wanting to be seen as a “General Practitioner” or are you trying to establish a position as a “Specialist” for a start?   The tactics that […]
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