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tony vidler ethics for financial advice
The 4 Step Ethical Test for Financial Professionals
by Tony Vidler        I attended a Rotary function as a guest and ‘discovered’ the best ethical test I’ve ever heard.  When I say ‘discovered’, I personally didn’t discover anything at all…but I was introduced to The Rotary Philosophy which was a discovery for me. It is hardly new, having been written in 1932, however amidst […]
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You can help your clients say YES more often
by Tony Vidler        All advisers want clients to say “yes” more often…in particular “yes” to everything that the Adviser could be doing for them instead of just getting a “yes” to one service.  To achieve that an Adviser needs to continually raise clients awareness of everything that you can do to help them – […]
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why financial planning clients leave the financial adviser
Client Twisting: Why clients move
by Tony Vidler        Clients move firms.  It is just a fact of life.  When they leave us most times we blame someone else…we call it “twisting” or “churning”. The immediate inference is the client only left because somebody else – who is less ethical – took perfectly good business and moved it for no […]
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The uncertain road ahead for advice businesses
by Tony Vidler        One certain thing for advice businesses is that there is a huge amount of uncertainty.  Practice owners have had a lot of “alone time” in the last couple of years quietly contemplating the road ahead and trying to figure out what do they have to do to prepare, or adapt.   […]
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Compliance & social media use for financial advisers
How Advisers can remain compliant while using social media
by Tony Vidler        The difficulty of using social media but remaining compliant as a financial adviser seems to be a concerrn cited as a reason to not use social media by those advisers.  Various aspects of “compliance” are cited: the provision of best practice advice, privacy constraints, or legal responsibilities to a corporate stakeholder, […]
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If It Is Not Simple, You Are Not Working Hard Enough
by Tony Vidler        It takes a lot of work to make complex advice simple and succinct, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the creation of  a financial plan or  Statements of Advice. Those 40 page plans, or worse those 80 page plans and pieces of written advice, are barriers to consumer engagement […]
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A financial advisers best weapon: The Meeting Agenda
by Tony Vidler        One of the most powerful weapons in an advisers armory is the Client Meeting Agenda. Yet, so few use them regularly…. The client meeting agenda sets up the entire professional relationship – not just the next hour or so that you happen to be with a client. In addition; It minimises […]
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How To Get Paid For Each Piece Of Advice You Give
by Tony Vidler        Here’s a simple strategy for getting paid fairly for the advice you give….and I mean getting paid for ALL the advice you give…every step of the way.   There are broadly three possible parts to any client work: 1.  Planning 2.  Implementing, or “putting in place” any planning recommendations 3.  Ongoing […]
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The Art Of Giving Suitable Advice Which Is Defensible
by Tony Vidler         The most challenging area in forming a professional opinion is ensuring that it is “suitable advice”, as what is suitable is subjective – until the time comes somewhere in the future to see if the advice actually worked.   Despite the issue of nobody actually knowing whether advice really was suitable much […]
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Handling Regulatory Uncertainty
by Tony Vidler        The regulatory uncertainty level amongst advisers is just about at an all time high.  It’s not just new rules that create the uncertainty; it is the shift to principles-based or outcome-focussed regulation that doesn’t have the definitive and prescribed series of “thou shalts” and “thou shalt nots” which creates the most uncertainty.  […]
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