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Professional Triage: Targeting The Immediate Need
by Tony Vidler        A huge mistake many advisers make is trying to deliver comprehensive advice to a client concerned only with an immediate need.  We need to recognize when triage is required, as opposed to when ongoing nursing is needed. The immediate need is the more often the trigger for an advice client to coluntarily […]
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What is “Good Content” For Advisers To Use?
by Tony Vidler        Nearly every advisory firm says “we need more prospects“.  sure, more prospects helps build a business but what builds a business faster is good prospects who are a right fit, and who don’t really consider going anywhere else when the time is right for them to use an adviser.  And frankly […]
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The most relevant content for clients and prospects? THEIR questions…
by Tony Vidler        The constant puzzle for many looking to be more effective in engaging their clients is finding relevant content, or information to share.  One of the constantly overlooked areas of HIGHLY relevant content is the actual questions that clients ask… There are several ways of sourcing client questions of course, from the informal […]
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The most preferred, and most effective, client communication tool?
by Tony Vidler        Engaging with clients and prospects is critical to getting the right business from the right people, and there is a surefire client communication winner (still): The humble electronic newsletter. Let’s begin by thinking about what you are trying to achieve with any client engagement method and you will probably come up […]
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Pro Bono work: it is still professional advice
by Tony Vidler        Oddly, I was asked whether pro bono work is still considered professional advice, implying immediately that it carried some lesser responsibility on the part of an adviser simply because they were not earning revneue from it. Why would pro bono clients deserve any lesser standards of ethical behaviour, professional competency or […]
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Blending Old Ways With Modern Comms To Get Attention
by Tony Vidler        Blending the old and the new can be a great way to get attention in the digital world, and there are few better examples than this one from an older adviser who was happy for me to share it.  He generates excellent engagement and responses…and it is so simple! Remember the […]
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Understand The Buying Journey To Get More Clients
by Tony Vidler         The decision-making process – or buying journey as it has become known – that prospective clients go through today is complex, time-consuming for all parties, and is also often an incredibly  frustrating affair for all parties.  It is less frustrating if we understand what is actually going on and allow the […]
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Compliant Advice: Here are the only 3 things that matter
by Tony Vidler         Whenever the topic of compliance, or the “advice process”, comes up most advisers see themselves like this: Everyone is throwing everything at you with the sole intention of destroying you, right? As a consequence, compliance is largely considered a burden.  As is usually the way of these things a substantial body […]
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Financial Advisers Problem? Not doing the One Thing.
by Tony Vidler        Advisers have a few problems these days.  The biggest financial adviser problem though is getting prospects to engage with us to begin with. Despite a couple of decades of positioning, developing and improving technical knowledge and qualifications, many financial professionals are struggling to get enough clients to engage in holistic planning. We […]
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Clients need to be reasonable and meet expectations too
by Tony Vidler        It is not unreasonable to have reasonable expectations, is it? Whenever we enter into an agreement with somebody else to work together on anything it is fair to say that we both have expectations about how the arrangement is going to work. That applies whether the arrangement is moving into a […]
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