competitive differentiation


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How are you planning to differentiate and stand out?
by Tony Vidler        You have to differentiate to stand out and attract business…but where do you do that. How do you do that? Well, it begins by thinking strategically about where you want to do it. I remembering reading way back in one of the academic tomes on marketing that there were 5 attributes […]
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Just a little different is enough to stand out
by Tony Vidler        In order to be different, and stand out in a positive way in a crowded and noisy marketplace, it pays to do things a little differently to your key competitors.  But just “A little differently” doesn’t mean you have to be radical. The first step in working out how and where to […]
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Differentiate By Building A Strong Promise
by Tony Vidler        There are notable differences between high growth professional firms and others when it comes to differentiating themselves.  How they choose to express their value and stand out is quite different to the mainstream.   Undoubtedly the average or low growth firms inability to express what their difference is in relation to […]
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A surefire way to get a Prospect to choose You!
by Tony Vidler        You are ALWAYS competing to have the next prospective client choose you.  In fact, even with existing clients who are still deciding on whether to follow the next piece of advise, there is a decision being made about whether to choose to follow it…or choose “you” as it were.  We are […]
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How to engage clients in a review of financial advice
Your Philosophy MIGHT Be Your Real Point of Difference
by Tony Vidler        Advisers often struggle to articulate their point of difference, yet they usually can easily express well thought out beliefs and philosophies about money and planning.   So most advisers think carefully about such things and build up a philosophy based upon their formal learning and real world experience that shapes their advice […]
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Professional Credibility & the “Trust Me…I am experienced” line
by Tony Vidler        “Trust me…I’m an experienced professional…” How many times do we hear a professional claiming that a client should trust them and deal with them because they have X number of years experience?  Does this “years of experience” thing really translate into professional credibility?   Increasingly cynical consumers ask themselves “do you […]
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How To Get Clients Choosing You
by Tony Vidler        You need to get clients choosing you over the other adviser or you’re dead in the water, right?  Often you don’t even know that they were comparing advisers until it is too late and the choice has been made.  That happens to all of us in our careers.  Once that choice […]
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5 Points Of Competitive Difference In Choosing Product Suppliers
by Tony Vidler        Often it seems there is little difference between product suppliers in financial services, with one fund manager looking similar to other fund managers, and one life insurer offering essentially the same products as other life insurers…how do you decide which product supplier is right to work more closely with? When it […]
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Innovate to Differentiate (it CAN be done by professional services firms)
by Tony Vidler        One great way to differentiate is to innovate.  You do not HAVE to innovate to differentiate of course, but innovation definitely leads to differentiation. There is a perception that in order to innovate one must receive a flash of inspiration.  A blindingly brilliant epiphany-like moment.   Sometimes that happens.  More often […]
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Using Practice Technology As A Competitive Advantage
by Tony Vidler        Everyone is looking for a competitive advantage, an edge over the firms offering similar services.  Often those competitors are offering essentially the same services, with the same processes, and the same infrastructure…but…how one implements and uses practice technology is an area that often has untapped potential to provide business advantages.   […]
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