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What to do when team members are under-performing
by Tony Vidler        Inevitably there will be a time when one or some of your team are under-performing.  Not under-performing to the point where the decision to terminate them is actually quite easy, but under-performing to the point where it is just aggravating because you just feel that they should be doing better. Figuring […]
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How to go about creating the RIGHT Strategic Alliance
by Tony Vidler        A good strategic alliance or two can be the thing that makes success for a professional services firm.  It can be a complete game changer.   In fact it is so important to get right that the key to finding and forging the right strategic alliance is thinking strategically to begin […]
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professional development for financial advisors
The problem with Professional Development programs
by Tony Vidler Most training programmes for financial advisers end up being vaguely disappointing for the participants. Often the feeling is that the training is a bit too academic or theoretical and hard to implement in one’s practice…but the real reason why training fails is because it doesn’t address all the necessary components.  In order […]
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Which CRM is right for you?
by Tony Vidler        I am losing track of how often I get asked “which CRM do you recommend?”  It is a huge decision for a professional service business, and an area where every solution offered seems to fall a little short in one aspect or another.   The problem is that for a financial […]
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damned good advice for financial advisors
Maybe this is an opportunity: Picking a good financial adviser is harder than ever for consumers
by Tony Vidler        Choosing a good financial adviser has always been a bit of a leap of faith for consumers I guess, but picking one today is harder than ever.   With the tendency to use search to screen possible contenders, and with most contenders having to use the same acronyms and titles and so on, […]
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Do you REALLY want to be a Great Adviser?
by Tony Vidler         An adviser told me that they wanted to be “great”…a GREAT adviser.  My immediate thought was would you prefer being considered “great” to having a great business, because you might be able to have both, but then, you might not either.  Then I thought “isn’t it healthier and far more enjoyable to […]
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Practice Development: The Danger Of Promoting A Competent Adviser
by Tony Vidler        A genuine danger in practice development is promoting a competent adviser to a role which they are unable to perform well in.  In any organisation there is a real risk that a person is encouraged to rise to their level of incompetence.   This is just as true for the self […]
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Staying The Course: The Importance Of Purpose
by Tony Vidler        Everyone is busy being busy, but what is the point of it all? What is the purpose that drives all the business building activity? Businesses that experience superb growth typically have an owner, or owners, who have clarity of purpose and that purpose sits at the heart of everything they do. […]
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The Power of Visual Aids
by Tony Vidler        As advisers, we talk a lot.  And when we aren’t talking we are writing. Visual aids, or graphics, tend to get overlooked by us but there is LOADS of research which suggests we should be using loads of visual aids, and perhaps less talk and less writing. If you doubt the power […]
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Don’t rush to go “The Extra Mile” in client service just yet…
by Tony Vidler        Go the extra mile and clients will love you, right?   Maybe not.   While I would be the first to say that an area of opportunity for professional services firms to excel in comparison to their competitors is in “providing service”…the answer to getting to more clients on the “satisfied” […]
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