centre of influence planning


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Give COI’s the experience of what you do
by Tony Vidler        One of the most effective things you can do to create confidence and support from prospective COI’s is take them through your client experience. Actually do the job that you do, for the Centre Of Influence. It is incredibly powerful and effective, and the chances are good that you will pick them […]
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Know and Use the Principles Of Influence Deliberately
by Tony Vidler        One of the most important pieces of work for professional advisers in the last 3 decades would have to be Robert Cialdini’s Principles Of Influence. Essentially he has distilled the lessons of human behaviour into a relatively small group of principles which most humans are influenced by.  There are exceptions of […]
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Buildong a COI referral system for financial advisors
How to build a COI referral system
by Tony Vidler        If you want to get a regular, repeatable, stream of well qualified prospects for your business then nothing beats having  a Centre of Influence (COI) driving the right types of ideal clients to you.   A good COI will be an advocate for you and your business, and be proactively recommending […]
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Creating Equitable Referral Alliances
by Tony Vidler        For referral alliances to be sustainable both parties must feel that the alliance is equitable.  If one party keeps getting more out of it than the other, is that alliance likely to last long term?   One party at some point is going to feel that the relationship is rather one-sided […]
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How to work with multiple COI’s in the same sector
by Tony Vidler        Is it possible to work successfully with multiple COI’s (centre’s of influence) from the same sector?  Many professionals would say “no”…or they do to me anyway.  The feeling is that if the COI’s are competitors then one has to choose just one to work with.   That is partially true – […]
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Are You PLANNING To Build Influencers?
by Tony Vidler        For an industry focused on planning, advisers have a tendency to forget planning how they will build their influencers.   I know that sounds like a heck of a generalisation, however it is one founded upon my own experience with advisers. Developing a centre-of-influence is often approached enthusiastically and with all […]
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