adviser development


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The 3 Keys To Attracting Your Successors – and attract the talent
by Tony Vidler        It is one thing to atract talent to your firm, it is quite another to attract successors with the right talent though.  Many financial advisory firms see the need to create leverage and handle their own succession issues through recruiting new advisory talent but struggle to do it successfully.   The main […]
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Being clear about what matters most actually matters most
by Tony Vidler        Sometimes contracts just don’t provide clarity for the people who work for you. And being clear about what matters for them matters more than just about anything else when it comes to getting the best from your people. When you are running a professional services business there is one thing you […]
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How can you tell if your practice is winning?
by Tony Vidler        A financial advisory practice may be doing well and making money without knowing whether it is winning or losing compared to the rest of the market.  You can be profitable, but still lagging the level of profitability of the bulk of the market.  Or you could be borderline profitable but well ahead […]
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Where should your Professional Development focus be: becoming a Brilliant Technician or an Orchestrator running the show?
by Tony Vidler        Professional development is all the rage…the regulators and the professional associations and training providers in the compliance space are all putting it top of mind continuously.  And virtually all of them have an extremely narrow focus when it comes to the concept of developing a professional. They want to develope brilliant […]
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New Adviser Hires: getting the relationship right
by Tony Vidler        One of the most common options for leveraging your professional practice is more adviser hires, however getting more advisers is itself is often a path to frustration and disappointment for business owners because it simply has not been thought through. Everyone begins with great intent: the owner really does want new […]
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5 Points That Align Interests For The Adviser AND The Firm
by Tony Vidler        A key to success for an advisory firm hiring other advisers is making sure that you align the interests of both parties.  That is, getting the behaviour you want as an employer while ensuring that the new adviser is most likely to be getting the outcomes they want too.   There […]
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The trick to maintaining consistent production
by Tony Vidler        Maintaining consistent production of new revenue isn’t quite a formula – it’s a process thankfully.  The process for continual positive performance is actually relatively straightforward and anybody can understand it and anybody can use it easily, unlike formula’s….   Even in challenging times where there is significant volatility and uncertainty, business continues […]
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Practice Development: The Danger Of Promoting A Competent Adviser
by Tony Vidler        A genuine danger in practice development is promoting a competent adviser to a role which they are unable to perform well in.  In any organisation there is a real risk that a person is encouraged to rise to their level of incompetence.   This is just as true for the self […]
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Staying The Course: The Importance Of Purpose
by Tony Vidler        Everyone is busy being busy, but what is the point of it all? What is the purpose that drives all the business building activity? Businesses that experience superb growth typically have an owner, or owners, who have clarity of purpose and that purpose sits at the heart of everything they do. […]
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New Thinking In Professional Development For Financial Advisers
by Tony Vidler        One of the positive changes for financial advisers in this part of the world in the last year was a broadening of what can be considered Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Now, instead of solely focussing upon technical learning, we are entering a regime where advisers have to map out their own […]
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