Don’t know how to make great visuals? No worries…
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Don't know how to make great visuals? No worries...

November 25, 2020

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

Visual aids sell. Great visuals increase comprehension and speed of information absorption. Apparently the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text.

Well…I don’t know if the “60,000” is actually a fact but I found it on the internet, so it must be true.  I am sure too that regardless of how many times faster the increase in processing is it is clear that pictures tell stories easily and quickly.

So visual aids work…which means we should be looking to use them wherever possible.

Most professionals of course have a vast array of knowledge and skill in a number of disciplines, but usually graphic design or artistic creations are not amongst them so we struggle a little when it comes to creating useful or interesting visuals to use with clients.  However there is a huge storeroom of GREAT visual content sitting out in cyberspace just waiting for people to come and share it around, and it is called Pinterest.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t have great know-how for making great visuals, because in this weeks quick tips we give a quick overview and a really quick demonstration of some of the material that is available for free…

Watch the video to learn more…

You might also be interested in this related article:
The Power Of Visual Aids

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