Value Proposition


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How will this year be better?
by Tony Vidler        Just one question should be dominating practitioners minds at this stage of the year:   How will this year be better? HOW is the critical word here. Advisers are usually great at setting goals and targets.  They are great at analysing and doing the numbers that tell them what activity at […]
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How to engage clients in a review of financial advice
Your Philosophy MIGHT Be Your Real Point of Difference
by Tony Vidler        Advisers often struggle to articulate their point of difference, yet they usually can easily express well thought out beliefs and philosophies about money and planning.   So most advisers think carefully about such things and build up a philosophy based upon their formal learning and real world experience that shapes their advice […]
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Professional Credibility & the “Trust Me…I am experienced” line
by Tony Vidler        “Trust me…I’m an experienced professional…” How many times do we hear a professional claiming that a client should trust them and deal with them because they have X number of years experience?  Does this “years of experience” thing really translate into professional credibility?   Increasingly cynical consumers ask themselves “do you […]
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Professional Positioning Powers Elite Performance
by Tony Vidler        The elite performance achieved by some financial advisers seems to come down to them being better at positioning themselves professionally than average advisers are.   That positioning really pays off too: various surveys suggest that they get up to 2.5 X MORE business from new clients than average advisers.  And to […]
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No Value Proposition? You’re a commodity then.
how to avoid being a commodity as a professional adviser and being chosen on price or convenience comes down to having a strong value proposition. Building a great brand involves more than just a value proposition, but this alone can eliminate those who choose just on price...
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How to find your Niche
by Tony Vidler        Knowing and working exclusively in your niche is nirvana for most professionals.     Your niche is that absolute sweet spot where what you are fabulous at overlaps with what you love doing, and it is something that other people value and will pay you for.   It is not a simple […]
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How To Get Clients Choosing You
by Tony Vidler        You need to get clients choosing you over the other adviser or you’re dead in the water, right?  Often you don’t even know that they were comparing advisers until it is too late and the choice has been made.  That happens to all of us in our careers.  Once that choice […]
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creating a USP for financial advisors
Identifying your uniqueness as an Adviser
by Tony Vidler        Your fingerprint is a unique identifier.  Nobody else has the same one as you.  Your uniqueness extends beyond having a separately identifiable set of finger prints though.   Yet so many professionals struggle to identify their uniqueness and present that to the market.   To create truly effective personal marketing in […]
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Powerful marketing uses this word…
by Tony Vidler        Powerful marketing uses powerful words, and there is no word more powerful in marketing professional advice than this one.  It is: “Guarantee“   How can we tap into the power of providing a guarantee in professional services, especially in these increasingly litigious and compliance-focussed times?   We can use it by […]
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Be Valuable By Simply Making Clients Lives Easier
by Tony Vidler        There are many ways to be valuable to clients, and a frequently overlooked aspect of value is simply maing clients lives easier for them.   A massive opportunity exists for advisers to remove complexity from their clients lives, and in turn, be valued for the advice and convenience they deliver to […]
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