Sales & Selling


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the sale you have to make
The first sale you have to make…
by Tony Vidler There is a sale that advisers have to make, before they make a sale.  The first sale that has to be made is YOU.   Advisers often tell me they are struggling to get potential clients to engage.  The increasing compliance and documentation of advice, and the need to establish professional credentials […]
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referreals not converting
Referrals Not Converting? This may be why…
by Tony Vidler        Too many referrals today are not converting into clients for too many professionals – and all too often the professionals are puzzled about why that is.   Typically it comes down to us not looking good enough on line.  Todays referrals usually do a quick search before deciding whether to meet […]
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How do you prepare clients to recommend you?
by Tony Vidler        Having clients recommend you remains the best marketing tactic there is, bar none. Despite plenty of research is telling us that our future clients are making buying decisions differently today, than say 5 years ago and despite the impact of online content and search many consumers still ask their friends and […]
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For Client Presentations Going Low-Tech Works
by Tony Vidler        As client presentations become more compliance-focused, lengthy, and technical in nature there is an corresponding increase in client dissatisfaction with financial advice.  Coincidence?  I think not. There has been a trend for years for financial advice, particularly comprehensive financial plans, when presented to clients to be “too clever” with clients not necessarily understanding […]
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Do You Practice Enough To Be Elite?
by Tony Vidler         Elite financial advisers do things that average advisers won’t do.  They practice stuff before going to market with it for instance.   The best in any field practice before trying to win out on the field.  In the advisory business that means practicing presentations of course…but it also means embracing roleplay to […]
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trial closing
Lost Sales Skills? Trial Closing Techniques Are Still Very Useful
by Tony Vidler        Trial closing techniques from the world of sales are still very useful for modern professionals wanting to figure out whether their prospective client is getting onboard with the advice or not.   Nobody likes to be “closed” by a sales person, and we sure don’t want prospects to feel like we […]
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Are you offering Advice clients Fast Food or Fine Dining?
by Tony Vidler        Many advisers are unsure about what they offer advice clients – cheap and cheerful advice on the fly, or a superb planning experience.  Both do the job, albeit in different ways.  But offering fast food at silver service prices is a business model that will struggle…and that’s what happens when there […]
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Why Lawyers sell more than Financial Planners
by Tony Vidler        Why is it that everyone tells jokes about lawyers and begrudges their work, yet lawyers tend to do pretty well in business?   How is it that lawyers who tend to be pretty awful at marketing their services get so much business?   Why is it that so many financial advisers […]
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Professional Selling: It is a real thing!
by Tony Vidler        Professional and selling are apparently 2 words which according to many just don’t go together these days…except they really do.  I’ll go further in fact and say that professionals MUST be selling, but, selling must be professional.   While there is an absolute requirement to place the clients interests above all […]
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Did You Do A Good Days’ Work?
by Tony Vidler        With all the report writing and problem solving it is often difficult to feel like you did a good days’ work…you were busy for sure, but was it a good days’ work?  Or was it just being busy on “stuff”?   There is a simple test for any professional feeling buried […]
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