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Making the move from Product Rep to a valued Financial Adviser
by Tony Vidler        Being a valued financial adviser is the goal, right?  Well it is difficult to considered yourself “valued” if you don’t place a value upon your own expertise or worth to the client.  It is even more difficult for prospective clients to consider you valuable if you do not place value upon […]
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The Gordian Knot of Getting Referrals
by Tony Vidler        Getting referrals consistently is hard for most…but oddly enough it is also easy for many.  Or is it? Lots of advisers say they get all their new business from referral, but when you dig into things it seems that actually they don’t get a lot of referrals. The ones they get […]
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“Always Be Coaching”, NOT “Always Be Closing”
by Tony Vidler        Coaching clients is a concept which is gaining traction with financial advisers, and for many this is a new line of thinking.  After all, they were taught years ago that “you should always be closing”, right?  No matter what else you are doing with prospective customers, and no matter what they […]
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How Great Regular Producers Stay In Top Gear
by Tony Vidler        Great regular producers are those who continually deliver good revenue results time after time.  Week in, week out, they never miss a beat and just keep pumping the numbers through.  They are elite. Elite high performing advisers, like elite athletes, have high performance routines. Their routines are the the answer to “how?” […]
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The Right Way To Present Your Advice Recommendation Effectively
by Tony Vidler        When it is time to present your advice recommendation, whether that is providing quotes or product solutions or providing a strategy, are you giving the prospect a few choices…like 3 perhaps? Don’t do it. Consumers are onto it, so as a “sales technique” it loses impact…and it was never fabulous technique […]
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Sell holes, not drills, to get more customers
by Tony Vidler         When people go to the hardware store and buy a fantastic electric drill they are not usually terribly interested in the drill itself. They want a hole. This is an elementary truth about consumers buying behaviour  They buy products for what the products can do for them, not because they just […]
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Demonstrating Value To Make Prospects Choose You
by Tony Vidler        Successful advisers today make sure they are demonstrating value to prospects...before the prospects have agreed to engage and become clients. Having a prospect who is interested enough to hear what you have to offer has always been a necessary step on the path to getting a client, and it obviously remains […]
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customer service pays for financial advisors
Professional Service: There’s extra money in going the extra mile with your service
by Tony Vidler         Often advisers forget how valuable the service bit is in their “professional service” business.  Everyone has heard some story about how a business did well from going the extra mile for a customer…but rarely do you hear about a professional services business that has a standing process for going the extra […]
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Pitching Your Marketing To The Target Client’s Buying Journey
by Tony Vidler        Most of your target market today go on a “buying journey”.  That means they largely control what and when they will buy our products and services…and it is rarely a snap decision made the same day.  It is a process of increasing awareness, education and trust building. Every practice needs to be […]
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The Words We Choose To Use Have Power
by Tony Vidler        If we want to give ourselves the best chance possible of influencing clients and prospects to change course, which is what professional advice is all about really, then there is no doubt that the words we choose to use can make an enormous difference. Enough experts have done enough research over enough […]
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