The Right Way To Present Your Advice Recommendation Effectively

by Tony Vidler
When it is time to present your advice recommendation, whether that is providing quotes or product solutions or providing a strategy, are you giving the prospect a few choices…like 3 perhaps?
Don’t do it.
Consumers are onto it, so as a “sales technique” it loses impact…and it was never fabulous technique to begin with. More importantly, it undermines your professional position of authority and also leads to the dilemma of choice for a prospect – which in turn adds confusion and indecision into the mix.
There is a professional, and psychologically effective, way to present recommendations which enhances the professional position of the adviser as well as eliminating the choice dilemma, but without leaving the prospect feeling as if they are being rail-roaded into a wrong solution because of somebody else’s agenda.
In this weeks Quick Tips video we talk about the right way to present solutions so that you can achieve this professional positioning, and eliminate the need to waste everyone’s time talking about solutions you don’t want to use….
Watch the video to learn more…
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