Marketing Ideas


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25 Words and Phrases that KILL your subject line
by Tony Vidler        We all hear about nthe importance of the subject line in a message, and then spend hours carefully constructing messages and marketing campaigns and thinking that we’ve come up with a winning subject line.  Often however we make the mistake of including one of the words or phrases in the subject […]
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Target Market: You actually need 3 of them…
by Tony Vidler        Whenever we talk about target marketing and chasing an ideal client it seems to be assumed that there is just one “right client profile”. Not true. There are usually 3 target market client profiles that I recommend, as we have a commercial requirement to balance up the odds of getting the […]
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How could you make your “Advice” become tangible?
by Tony Vidler        Sensory sells…having an intangible become tangible absolutely helps people buy.  And when it comes to buying “the tangible”, presentation is everything isn’t it? The most ordinary things become something special when beautifully wrapped and presented.  The wrapping and presentation creates intrigue and interest and heightens the anticipation and pleasure…. Is it possible […]
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Building Your Reputation: Talk About The Elephants In The Room
by Tony Vidler        When Accountants struggle to be highly trusted then financial advisers are going to have a real battle doing so.  If the Accountants only get rated as “Highly trusted”  in professional ethics and honesty by less than half the population then what chance that an Insurance Broker will rank higher in the […]
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How Often Should We Contact Clients?
by Tony Vidler        “How much is too much contact?”   “How often is too often?” What is the right volume to contact clients? Much of the standard industry thinking around these questions is in fact quite dated I believe.  For example, go back not that many years and good marketers providing a lot of […]
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Social Media: Are you hogging the conversation?
by Tony Vidler        You should post on social media once a week. No.  You should post 6 times a day! ummmm….how much is right? The short answer is “it depends”. It depends on the platform you are using, and it depends on your target audience and their appetite for content or engagement, and it […]
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Engage, Engage, Engage…Make prospecting a PROCESS!
by Tony Vidler        If real estate is driven by location, location, location, then surely the prospecting process is driven by engage, engage, engage. I’ve previously posted about the problem with generating referrals consistently largely coming down to the lack of engagement with, and by, clients.  A process of engagement is also often the missing […]
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How One Successful Financial Planner Gets New Business
by Tony Vidler         The one question that continually gets thrown to me is “What are other advisers doing that is successful for them?” Every so often one is willing to share their trade secrets, and this is how one local successful financial planner gets his business, and that he was happy to share: He […]
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The easiest content creation idea in the world!
by Tony Vidler        Even when advisers finally buy into the need to engage patiently with prospects the content creation required to feed an engagement marketing system worries them.  Creating content seems to be so hard for so many, which is odd because professional advisers are masters of creating content.  They do it every day […]
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Just a little different is enough to stand out
by Tony Vidler        In order to be different, and stand out in a positive way in a crowded and noisy marketplace, it pays to do things a little differently to your key competitors.  But just “A little differently” doesn’t mean you have to be radical. The first step in working out how and where to […]
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