visual aids


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Presenting Professional Collaboration to Clients Simply
by Tony Vidler        Consumers increasingly need solutions which require professional collaboration between different experts, and while plenty of suggestions can be found about how to collaborate with others from other professions, there is not quite so much suggestion about how to collaborate successfully with professionals from within the same sector. Consumers usually want fairly […]
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Using Visuals To Sell Bad News And Complex Ideas
by Tony Vidler        Disclaimers and fine print don’t ever really help in selling tough ideas, but visuals do sell complex or tough-to-swallow concepts quickly and easily.   Nowhere is this more true than when you want to manage client expectations and “pre-sell” what is likely to happen in the future so that everyone avoids […]
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Use Visual Aids To Create Better Advice Engagement
by Tony Vidler        Advisers try to create simplicity from complexity, and the most effective way of doing that is to use visual aids. They create quicker understanding and better engagement simply because most people find it easier to comprehend new or difficult information when it is presented visually.   We all know from personal […]
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financial planning process for prospects
Show Prospects Your Advice Planning Process To Get CLIENTS
by Tony Vidler        The Challenge: Getting prospects to buy into your financial advice planning process.   The Solution: Show them HOW the process works before asking them to commit.   The keywords there are “show” and “how“….and it is because so many advisers do not focus on these 2 words in the earliest stages […]
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Don’t know how to make great visuals? No worries…
by Tony Vidler        Visual aids sell. Great visuals increase comprehension and speed of information absorption. Apparently the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. Well…I don’t know if the “60,000” is actually a fact but I found it on the internet, so it must be true.  I am sure too that regardless […]
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The Power of Visual Aids
by Tony Vidler        As advisers, we talk a lot.  And when we aren’t talking we are writing. Visual aids, or graphics, tend to get overlooked by us but there is LOADS of research which suggests we should be using loads of visual aids, and perhaps less talk and less writing. If you doubt the power […]
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