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Is Insurance Churn Really The Issue We Think It is?
by Tony Vidler         Any time an insurance product is replaced by an adviser with an alternative one someone complains about “insurance churn” or the “twisting of policies” and the immediate inference is that something unethical just occurred.  Sometimes that is true of course, and there are undoubtedly bottom feeders in the industry who survive by […]
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Professional Practice Evolution: What Separates Modern Professionals From The Past?
by Tony Vidler        There are lessons to be learned from the evolution of the modern professional practice for those who are not quite there yet. When you compare the two – the modern professional financial advisory practice, and the historic product-focussed financial services brokerage business – it seems there are 5 distinct points of difference […]
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What Is The Plan To Thrive Amidst All The Change?
by Tony Vidler        Is there a cunning plan for your practice to thrive amidst the changes coming at the financial advice sector from all directions? What is the plan then? What is the strategy? Those 2 questions might look like the same question, but they are not quite.  The cunning idea, or the strategy, is […]
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Your Reputation IS Your Personal Brand – and that matters most
by Tony Vidler        For most advisers the only brand that truly matters is, or should be, their reputation.  It IS their personal brand.  The corporate brand, or licensees brand, or dealer group or favourite financial insititutions…they are secondary to YOUR brand.  And when it comes to your personal brand, reputation is everything really. A […]
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Grow Great People If You Want To Grow A Great Business
by Tony Vidler        It is terribly simplified of course, but if you want to grow a great business then you need to grow some great people at some point in the process.  If we want to learn how to grow great people then it seems a good idea to think about how the people who […]
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The Top Challenge In Shifting From Product Sales To Advice Delivery
by Tony Vidler        Lots of financial advisers are still figuring out how to get paid for advice delivery, not just implementation of product solutions.  Now, the simplistic answer is of course: “easy…just position for it and tell clients that’s how you work now.” That answer really is glib though and doesn’t touch upon the […]
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How much client contact is too much contact?
by Tony Vidler        Getting the frequency of newsletters or regular client communications right is a real challenge.  How much is too much, and runs the risk of you being a nuisance?  How much is too little, and runs the risk of you being forgotten? The right answer is “it depends”. It depends on your audience, […]
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The 3 Keys To Attracting Your Successors – and attract the talent
by Tony Vidler        It is one thing to atract talent to your firm, it is quite another to attract successors with the right talent though.  Many financial advisory firms see the need to create leverage and handle their own succession issues through recruiting new advisory talent but struggle to do it successfully.   The main […]
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Get The Right Advisory Board For Your Business
by Tony Vidler        Appointing and Advisory Board is the big step from running a small advice business providing a good lifestyle to running a practice that leverages you.   An Advisory Board should mean bringing in the outside expertise and accountability that your owner-operated busines doesn’t have…and needs if it is to grow. Putting together […]
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How to make sure email marketing is effective
by Tony Vidler        Effective email marketing is a lot tougher now than just 2 or 3 years ago, yet it is still one of the most effective marketing methods available if we get it right. In the old days, say 4 years ago, a good mailing list together with a branded email platform and great […]
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