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The Value Of The Financial Planner: Fixing finances, the future, and feelings
by Tony Vidler        Many question the value of the financial planner, and there has been plenty of research in recent years to attempt to quantify that value.  Quantifying value of advice is a recipe for debate, as the actual difference in net worth or security which can be attributed to the work of the […]
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Could you be a Thought Leader Adviser?
by Tony Vidler         A big phrase of recent times for anyone in professional services is “Thought Leadership”. Everywhere you turn someone is writing or saying “be a thought leader”…and nearly every audience asks “what is a Thought Leader, and how do you get there?”   To put it in its most simple terms, it […]
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How to make yourself scarce…and more valuable!
by Tony Vidler        A well established economic AND behavioural principle is that people generally will have higher demand for that which is relatively scarce.  Less of something makes it more valuable, right?  It is a pretty sound principle that consumers tend to have a higher want for what is perceived to be harder to get […]
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Demonstrate Value And Prospects Will Choose You
by Tony Vidler        Smart advisers today make sure they are demonstrating their value to prospects.   Having a prospect who is interested enough to hear what you have to offer has always been a necessary step on the path to getting a client, and it obviously remains so today. However, who the prospect decides […]
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If you want people to buy your advice, then dumb it down!
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to getting someone to buy your advice one of the best tips I can give is “dumb it down- but don’t treat them like dummies“.   There is a big difference between “dumbing it down” and treating people like dummies.  The first is about simplifying the message in order […]
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How do you create an “Act Now” mindset with clients?
by Tony Vidler        One of the ongoing challenge in marketing professional services is simply getting people to “act now”.  We have to overcome their lack of urgency.   Our service will still be there tomorrow, right?  And usually the need to be addressed is a future need, and maybe well into the future….so there is […]
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Why we get price resistance
by Tony Vidler        Whether we like it or not there is nearly always price resistance in delivering financial advice, and how we present our service is a large part of that problem.  It doesn’t have to be…we just need to think through the differences between “what we say” and “what they hear”.   I often […]
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Are you offering Advice clients Fast Food or Fine Dining?
by Tony Vidler        Many advisers are unsure about what they offer advice clients – cheap and cheerful advice on the fly, or a superb planning experience.  Both do the job, albeit in different ways.  But offering fast food at silver service prices is a business model that will struggle…and that’s what happens when there […]
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Making LinkedIn Matter In Your Marketing
by Tony Vidler        Most professionals have a LinkedIn profile now, but are they making LinkedIn matter when it comes to their marketing? Often they are not effectively utilising the 2 key areas that are searched by Google, being the title section and the summary.  That is incredibly valuable online real estate….provided for free…so let’s have […]
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Sell holes, not drills, to get more customers
by Tony Vidler         When people go to the hardware store and buy a fantastic electric drill they are not usually terribly interested in the drill itself.   They want a hole.   This is an elementary truth about consumers buying behaviour  They buy products for what the products can do for them, not because […]
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