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Why Advisers Need To Invest In Their Businesses. Now.
by Tony Vidler        Financial advisers really need to invest more into their practices. Now.  More money, more thinking, more strategy….more leverage.  Even those who have been investing probably need to invest more. For decades financial advisers have been able to to operate “lifestyle” businesses.  It has enabled them to largely choose when they will […]
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What Is The Plan To Thrive Amidst All The Change?
by Tony Vidler        Is there a cunning plan for your practice to thrive amidst the changes coming at the financial advice sector from all directions? What is the plan then? What is the strategy? Those 2 questions might look like the same question, but they are not quite.  The cunning idea, or the strategy, is […]
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5 Tips for selling, or buying, a practice.
by Tony Vidler        There are a number of traps that professionals consistently fall into when selling (or buying) a book of business. The mistakes are so consistent and prevalent that there is are some golden rules evolving on how to make sure any sale is successful. The Top 5 are: 1. Get professional help […]
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Practice Growth Requires Leadership More Than Management
by Tony Vidler        The most frequent thing I see that prevents great practice growth and holds advisers back from developing their dream business is a lack of vision. I don’t mean “vision” in the namby-pamby buzz-word sense of having a beautiful set of words on a plaque on a wall that nobody really cares about. […]
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How do you know when you have a “great practice”?
by Tony Vidler        “Great” is so subjective isn’t it?  Having a “great practice” is a subjective assessment too…what is great to one adviser might be considered ordinary to another. But the true measure for each (I think) is: “When it is delivering the income and lifestyle that you imagined.” However, that outcome is potentially […]
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Some Advisory Firm’s Are “Going Out Of Business” Without Even Realising It
by Tony Vidler        I have a strong sense that a lot of advisory firms are “going out of business” at the moment and don’t even realise it.   For a very long time markets were going well, and commission and fee rates were at the high end of the scale, and there were plenty […]
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Which Clients To Keep; Which Ones To Fire
by Tony Vidler         More clients is good, right? But when you have plenty of clients on the books the question becomes which clients to keep. Or which ones to get rid of.  Actually, advisers should be constantly asking these questions regardless of how big their book of clients actually is.  They are not questions […]
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Balancing Adviser Needs and Clients Wants
by Tony Vidler        The professional Financial Advisers’ needs matter as much as the Clients’ wants.  Consumer groups & regulators will probably disagree of course, but the ideal practice is one which surely achieves this balance isn’t it?  After all, practitioners are trying to earn a living and meet the wants and needs of their own […]
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This is how a Great Practice is built
by Tony Vidler        To make the transition from being a great adviser with a good job to a great adviser with a great practice there are a number of key decision points and areas which have to be done well.  Get them right, and in the right order, and a great professional practice is […]
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The 3 Barriers To Adviser Business Success
by Tony Vidler        There are 3 distinct barriers every adviser must manage in their career if they want business success. I am defining “business success” as having more than a job.   Success therefore is wanting their job to become their business.  Each of the hurdles is a defining point which can see an adviser plateau […]
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