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Pitching Your Marketing To The Target Client’s Buying Journey
by Tony Vidler        Most of your target market today go on a “buying journey”.  That means they largely control what and when they will buy our products and services…and it is rarely a snap decision made the same day.  It is a process of increasing awareness, education and trust building. Every practice needs to be […]
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Do you have to be unique professionally to have a strong USP?
by Tony Vidler         No. YOU do NOT have to be unique professionally to have a strong USP or differentiator.  People mistakenly believe that they have to find their “uniqueness” in order to be able to articulate their value to the market with a unique selling proposition.  But your professional uniqueness doesn’t really matter in […]
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Differentiate By Building A Strong Promise
by Tony Vidler        There are notable differences between high growth professional firms and others when it comes to differentiating themselves.  How they choose to express their value and stand out is quite different to the mainstream.   Undoubtedly the average or low growth firms inability to express what their difference is in relation to […]
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Where your Value Proposition REALLY fits in
by Tony Vidler        A well crafted and well articulated Value Proposition is the key component in any good marketing strategy.  Even though it is the most important part of the entire marketing message, it is not the first thing however… To craft a great marketing message for your business there are three essentials and […]
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What financial advisers do
Note to self: Must take charge of my own brand
by Tony Vidler        I listened to a good friend, who is also a client and a good centre of influence and an advocate, explain what I do to someone else.  End result: I must take charge of my own brand, because this experience provided a shining example of why some prospects see us the […]
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Easy business in the low-hanging fruit
by Tony Vidler        Everyone wants easy business yet we so often make it harder than it has to be.  Get the low-hanging fruit first. Twice as easy to get, and just as sweet. Nothing is wrong with it – and it’s smart business.     It’s not always simple to recognise where the easy business […]
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No Value Proposition? You’re a commodity then.
how to avoid being a commodity as a professional adviser and being chosen on price or convenience comes down to having a strong value proposition. Building a great brand involves more than just a value proposition, but this alone can eliminate those who choose just on price...
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How to find your Niche
by Tony Vidler        Knowing and working exclusively in your niche is nirvana for most professionals.     Your niche is that absolute sweet spot where what you are fabulous at overlaps with what you love doing, and it is something that other people value and will pay you for.   It is not a simple […]
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creating a USP for financial advisors
Identifying your uniqueness as an Adviser
by Tony Vidler        Your fingerprint is a unique identifier.  Nobody else has the same one as you.  Your uniqueness extends beyond having a separately identifiable set of finger prints though.   Yet so many professionals struggle to identify their uniqueness and present that to the market.   To create truly effective personal marketing in […]
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Some customers you don’t want
by Tony Vidler        Some customers you just don’t want, because not all customers are good customers for us.  Even some of those who look like they commercially viable customers we just don’t want.    There are some who can use our help..want our help…but that doesn’t mean they are good clients for us.  Most […]
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