target marketing


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Target Marketing: The Smart Play For Your Advice Business
by Tony Vidler        Target marketing is usually the difference between those firms who get the right sort of clients, and those who just get customers. Clients follow advice, because they value it. Customers engage in transactions.  They buy products.  They take a bit of advice here and there…as it suits them. Trying to get more […]
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Target Market: You actually need 3 of them…
by Tony Vidler        Whenever we talk about target marketing and chasing an ideal client it seems to be assumed that there is just one “right client profile”. Not true. There are usually 3 target market client profiles that I recommend, as we have a commercial requirement to balance up the odds of getting the […]
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The Formula For Positioning Yourself For Ideal Clients
by Tony Vidler        “Poor positioning of yourself and what you can achieve for your ideal clients is the number 1 reason for ideal business opportunities not coming to you….”   Many professionals experience the frustration of good clients doing good business elsewhere, or ideal prospective clients not being referred and ultimately doing their business […]
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Prospecting Tip: Don’t go fishing in the forest
by Tony Vidler        If you are looking for a prospecting tip think about this: 1. Relatively few financial advisers are really pro-active marketers, let alone masters of it. 2. The majority of affluent investors hang around with other affluent folk. 3. The Holy Grail for many financial advice professionals is to attract affluent clients and […]
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your story
Be like George…share your story!
by Tony Vidler        Professionals should take a leaf out of George’s playbook and share their story.   Be like George.   Who is George?   He’s just a young man who is trying to get ahead in life and who took the initiative to get out and start marketing himself – and is doing […]
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