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Prospecting Tip: Don’t go fishing in the forest
by Tony Vidler        If you are looking for a prospecting tip think about this: 1. Relatively few financial advisers are really pro-active marketers, let alone masters of it. 2. The majority of affluent investors hang around with other affluent folk. 3. The Holy Grail for many financial advice professionals is to attract affluent clients and […]
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LinkedIN for Financial Advisers
The Top 10 Tips for Advisers to get some LinkedIn value
by Tony Vidler        Advisers use of LinkedIn generally leaves a lot to be desired and too many treat it as a static display of their CV.  It is a networking platform upon which too few actually do any networking.  To get good value from it follow the basics of networking that you already know…engage in […]
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Which CRM is right for you?
by Tony Vidler        I am losing track of how often I get asked “which CRM do you recommend?”  It is a huge decision for a professional service business, and an area where every solution offered seems to fall a little short in one aspect or another.   The problem is that for a financial […]
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damned good advice for financial advisors
Maybe this is an opportunity: Picking a good financial adviser is harder than ever for consumers
by Tony Vidler        Choosing a good financial adviser has always been a bit of a leap of faith for consumers I guess, but picking one today is harder than ever.   With the tendency to use search to screen possible contenders, and with most contenders having to use the same acronyms and titles and so on, […]
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The simple prospecting system from the worlds greatest ever salesman
by Tony Vidler        According to the Guiness Book Of World Records the greatest salesman in the world was Joe Girard.   Joe sold cars…an incredible 13,001 cars sold in his career.  One at a time…working “retail” with high priced items.  And selling the same things, at the same price, as a heck of a […]
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Do You Practice Enough To Be Elite?
by Tony Vidler         Elite financial advisers do things that average advisers won’t do.  They practice stuff before going to market with it for instance.   The best in any field practice before trying to win out on the field.  In the advisory business that means practicing presentations of course…but it also means embracing roleplay to […]
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The Power of Visual Aids
by Tony Vidler        As advisers, we talk a lot.  And when we aren’t talking we are writing. Visual aids, or graphics, tend to get overlooked by us but there is LOADS of research which suggests we should be using loads of visual aids, and perhaps less talk and less writing. If you doubt the power […]
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The 5 Essential Soft Skills For Professional Advisers
by Tony Vidler        Technical knowledge will only take you so far, and sometimes (like when the world is in lockdown and there are no rational markets) they won’t tyake you anywhere at all. There are times when what you know just doesn’t matter.  Knowing how to deal with people is all that matters sometimes.  They […]
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Compliant Advice: Paper Beats Scissors Every Time
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to compliant advice Advisers really need to grasp that they are playing a game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with every client engagement now. There almost certainly will be an instance where a client throws the Rock…. We try to beat it with Paper. Complaints authority or regulator takes to […]
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Why Lawyers sell more than Financial Planners
by Tony Vidler        Why is it that everyone tells jokes about lawyers and begrudges their work, yet lawyers tend to do pretty well in business?   How is it that lawyers who tend to be pretty awful at marketing their services get so much business?   Why is it that so many financial advisers […]
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