peer to peer recommendation


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Why You Need PLENTY Of Positive Consumer Reviews
by Tony Vidler        Experience reviews…consumer reviews…I blame TripAdviser for it; but maybe it wasn’t them…Whatever, everyone out there now expects to be able to give a review of any business, and read others reviews of that business.  In fact they can’t wait to provide their opinion of your business. It has become the norm. […]
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marketing your reputation
What The Kardashian’s Can Teach Us About Reputation Marketing
by Tony Vidler        For many successful advisers their reputation is the critical marketing success factor in their careers.  And who has done reputation marketing – or “famous just for being famous” – better than the Kardashians?   Reputation in professional services often drives more recommendations or referrals that lead to new business than practitioners […]
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Create Top Of Mind Awareness With Your Own Clients First
by Tony Vidler          Who do most people turn to first for financial advice? Whoever is “top of mind”…and who is that usually?   Their family.   Research in multiple countries and jurisdictions repeatedly shows that the number one source of advice for consumers who do not currently take financial advice from a professional […]
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business owner to business owner
Peer-To-Peer Marketing: it’s just one Business Owner to another
by Tony Vidler        Research keeps telling us that peer-to-peer marketing, or old fashioned word-of-mouth advertising and recommendations, is still the most effective form of marketing there is.  Virtually no discriminating consumer today trusts advertising – and virtually all consumers who are prospective professional services clients are discriminating in that they are increasingly selective, wary […]
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give away for recommendation
Little Giveaways Can Generate Recomendations
by Tony Vidler        If you want to generate recommendations from clients and prospects it pays to understand how it is a different process from getting referrals, and if referrals are “the gold medal” then recommendations are the “silver”.  Not the ultimate perhaps, but well worth having, and arguable a little easier to get.   […]
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cenrte of influence prospecting
Which prospecting method delivers the best results?
by Tony Vidler        The prospecting method that keeps on delivering the most opportunities is Referrals.   A distant second in the source of new clients for advice firms is Centre of Influence referrals.   Research by the Financial Planning Association showed that on average in the previous year some 34% of new clients came from […]
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How do you prepare clients to recommend you?
by Tony Vidler        Having clients recommend you remains the best marketing tactic there is, bar none. Despite plenty of research is telling us that our future clients are making buying decisions differently today, than say 5 years ago and despite the impact of online content and search many consumers still ask their friends and […]
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How to Position For The Right Referrals
by Tony Vidler        Getting referrals is difficult enough for many, but getting the right referrals is even tougher. It’s always nice to get a referral of course, but it doesn’t help if we do get a referral and it is someone that we just can’t deliver great value to.   So we do want to […]
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