nest prospecting


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If you still need more clients then you probably need different skills
by Tony Vidler        Financial advisers who need more clients need to be better marketers than salespeople in todays environment.  For most that means they probably need new, or more, skills.  Not more technical skills; more commercial skills.   While financial advisers have been figuring out how to get ever-more-compliant and deliver yet-more-paper over the […]
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One sure way to build an audience
by Tony Vidler        As more professionals lean more on social media  as an integral part of their marketing a common question is “how do I get more people following me?“.  How do you guild an audience in other words. There are a lot of ways to create an audience of course, but there is […]
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Niche or Nest Marketing: Which is Best?
by Tony Vidler        Niche marketing and nest marketing are concepts which are often confused, or referred to interchangably, by advisers. They are not the same thing, and they are also not even mutually exclusive: you can do both of course.  In fact I’d challenge the view that professionals should find “A” niche…why wouldn’t you […]
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Which Prospects Are Worth YOUR Time?
by Tony Vidler        The way prospects engage with professionals has changed, and it is logical for us to change how we engage with prospects also.   In the old days we qualified prospects on the basis of a clearly identifiable need, the capacity to pay, approachability, and “insurability”.  This last one evolved over time […]
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Prospecting Tip: Don’t go fishing in the forest
by Tony Vidler        If you are looking for a prospecting tip think about this: 1. Relatively few financial advisers are really pro-active marketers, let alone masters of it. 2. The majority of affluent investors hang around with other affluent folk. 3. The Holy Grail for many financial advice professionals is to attract affluent clients and […]
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financial advisor sales & marketing
Prospecting has never been easier…for some!
by Tony Vidler        Prospecting seems to remain the biggest day to day business problem for financial advisers, yet prospecting has never actually been easier.   If you polled 100 advisers with this simple question I would wager that more than half would answer: “getting enough new business prospects to meet my business objectives”.   Prospecting […]
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