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What you should expect from good coaching
by Tony Vidler        It is a peculiar thing…most of us recognize the difference that getting good coaching – or poor coaching – can make to any athlete or sports teams performance.  In fact most of us have often held quite passionate views about the merits of coaches…Very few professionals however seem to make the […]
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How to work out who to keep on your team
by Tony Vidler        One of the toughest areas of practice management is building your team and keeping the team “right for you”.  So it is best to begin with an unpalatable truth: It is inevitable that at some point you will get team selections wrong.  You will get hiring decisions wrong….and sometimes firing decisions […]
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To Improve Lead Conversion You Need 2 Speeds
by Tony Vidler          Every lead is gold, and ideally every lead would result in conversion to a client.  The conversion rate really is often the difference between getting a good return on your prospecting and marketing efforts, or perhaps getting no return at all.   The short cut to better conversion is often […]
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How to find your Niche
by Tony Vidler        Knowing and working exclusively in your niche is nirvana for most professionals.     Your niche is that absolute sweet spot where what you are fabulous at overlaps with what you love doing, and it is something that other people value and will pay you for.   It is not a simple […]
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buying a financial planning business
What you need to know if you buy to grow
by Tony Vidler        As many advice businesses reach maturity it is common to consider whether they should “buy to grow”.  Should they buy another practice, or more commonly, should just buy a book of business from another practice.     The typical reasons suggested for wanting to grow through acquisition are: 1.  Get new […]
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A financial advisers best weapon: The Meeting Agenda
by Tony Vidler        One of the most powerful weapons in an advisers armory is the Client Meeting Agenda. Yet, so few use them regularly…. The client meeting agenda sets up the entire professional relationship – not just the next hour or so that you happen to be with a client. In addition; It minimises […]
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How To Get Paid For Each Piece Of Advice You Give
by Tony Vidler        Here’s a simple strategy for getting paid fairly for the advice you give….and I mean getting paid for ALL the advice you give…every step of the way.   There are broadly three possible parts to any client work: 1.  Planning 2.  Implementing, or “putting in place” any planning recommendations 3.  Ongoing […]
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center of influence referral marketing
Bring Back The Long Lunch…it will be good for your business!
by Tony Vidler        Tom Peters suggested many years ago that one of the most effective marketing activities a professional could engage in were weekday lunches. 250 of them in fact over the course of the year.     That is perhaps a bit excessive in today’s environment (and for ageing waistlines), but the concept […]
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How does culture create lasting success?
by Tony Vidler          If you doubt that culture can create lasting success, then consider this: Imagine a sports team (or club if you prefer) that competed continuously for well over 100 years and during that time had a winning record against all comers of over 83%?  The best that every nation on earth can […]
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What to do when team members are under-performing
by Tony Vidler        Inevitably there will be a time when one or some of your team are under-performing.  Not under-performing to the point where the decision to terminate them is actually quite easy, but under-performing to the point where it is just aggravating because you just feel that they should be doing better. Figuring […]
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