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One tactic to make people remember your message…in just another moment…
by Tony Vidler        Ever wondered why infomercials or news broadcasts come up with lines like this: “XYZ Corporation closed its doors on customers today leaving 10,000 without the products they had paid for already…more on that shortly.” The “more on that shortly” part creates intrigue of course….but the reason why TV stations do this is […]
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Practice Growth Requires Leadership More Than Management
by Tony Vidler        The most frequent thing I see that prevents great practice growth and holds advisers back from developing their dream business is a lack of vision. I don’t mean “vision” in the namby-pamby buzz-word sense of having a beautiful set of words on a plaque on a wall that nobody really cares about. […]
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Helping Consumers Compare Solutions Will Lead Them To You
by Tony Vidler        Todays consumers will compare before deciding who to use or what to buy, so help them do that.  If you help consumers compare solutions well, it will lead them to choose you as their trusted source of advice. The typical buying behaviour for discerning consumers today includes “research & learn” as they […]
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Do you have to be unique professionally to have a strong USP?
by Tony Vidler         No. YOU do NOT have to be unique professionally to have a strong USP or differentiator.  People mistakenly believe that they have to find their “uniqueness” in order to be able to articulate their value to the market with a unique selling proposition.  But your professional uniqueness doesn’t really matter in […]
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Nobody Believes Your Advice Is Actually Impartial AND Free
by Tony Vidler        The problem with “FREE” is nobody believes that whatever you are offering is actually free.  It might seem free in terms of there being no invoice or obvious price tag, but that doesn’t mean it is “free” does it? Consumers today are alert, have a world of information in their pocket […]
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Create Video’s To Improve Your Client Service Experience
by Tony Vidler        Most advisory firms don’t create videos of their own it seems.  So, most advisory firms do not appear to have taken advantage of the consumer appetite for video, or how they can improve client service & experience (& efficiency) by creating their own videos.  It seems they have not done so […]
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You Can Become A Trusted Brand Before Clients Even Meet You
by Tony Vidler        For any individual adviser to become “a trusted brand” in your target markets mind has to be their main marketing goal.  The importance of great engagement with prospective customers cannot be over-emphasised here…it is THE fundamental shift in effective marketing techniques over the last decade because it is the solution to the […]
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You fix financial worries…so why not market that?
by Tony Vidler        It seems pretty much everyone has financial worries. “Investors spend 475 hours a year worrying about money” apparently.  Well I bet the people who don’t have enough to be considered “investors” spend a heck of a lot more time than that worrying about money….but still, this is about 20 days each […]
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One Fast-Track Method To Establishing A Reputation As An Expert
by Tony Vidler        Personal reputation is more important than ever before, and not just because more people are googling you before deciding to meet with you. One of the other main reasons your professional reputation matters so much is because it is increasingly a driver of professional referrals. rofessional referrals are those where a client […]
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Uncomfortable with Referrals? No problem…there is another way…
by Tony Vidler        Being a firm believer that Word-Of-Mouth marketing is THE most effective form there is, I do bang on about being referable and engaging with the target market…but… REALITY CHECK: Some people just never feel comfortable giving referrals. In fact there IS a good chance that you will jeopardise your existing business […]
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