insurance advice


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influencer soft skills
The Essential Soft Skills Needed To Influence
by Tony Vidler        To influence others requires softs skills rather than hard core sales skills and techniques.  The financial adviser is supposed to be an influencer…our role is to influence others to make better decisions than they would otherwise have made. In order to become a more effective adviser the ongoing development of the […]
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What do Life Insurance customers want?
by Tony Vidler        One of the questions that continually vexes professionals is “what do customers want?“ In the life insurance area of financial services the answer is even tougher to find than usual, because insurance for virtually all consumers is an absolute grudge purchase.  When we think about it logically every person who buys […]
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A Good Financial Planner MUST Consider Risk Management
by Tony Vidler         Financial planners who do not tackle risk management issues thoroughly for clients do the clients a disservice. A good financial planner must be factoring personal risk management into their planning for clients.   Perhaps that is a little challenging to some, however too many financial planners simply do not include risk […]
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How to get Clients to agree to the right cover level
by Tony Vidler        It can be challenging getting clients to agree to what we know is the right cover level for their insurance needs.  Whatever numbers we come up with analytically and logically are greeted with disbelief more often than not.   Considering that most clients see most insurance most of the time as […]
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How To Present Adverse Insurance Decisions
by Tony Vidler        That sinking feeling you get when an insurer comes back with terms and you have to present an adverse insurance decision…basically telling the client that actually, they are a higher risk of something bad happening….it is an unpleasant and stressful time for a financial adviser. Not great for the client usually […]
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Professionals Have, And Use, Processes
by Tony Vidler        True professionals don’t just HAVE processes, they have processes they use everywhere in their work. All the time. Professionals are in fact process-driven.   We need to learn from those professions where the outcome of a poor day on the job is literally life or death.  That isn’t generally the case […]
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the right advice style
How To Deliver The “Right Advice” In The “Right” Way
by Tony Vidler        Delivering the right advice consists of getting 2 things right: delivering advice that will work for the client, and delivering it in a manner which will result in the client taking action  upon the advice.   Getting both of those right is no simple thing.   The first of them is […]
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The cost of convenience in insurance: Underwrite at proposal time, or claim time?
by Tony Vidler        Convenience in insurance can come at a steep cost: When does your client want to have the drama with their insurance company? At underwriting time, or at claim time? The cover is going to get underwritten at some point, it really is just a matter of when. This is a confusing facet […]
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