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3 Must Haves For Effective Marketing Copy
by Tony Vidler        For marketing copy to be truly effective it must have  “readability”. If something is easy to read and comprehend quickly then it will be effective – assuming the actual message wasn’t rubbish to begin with. If you have a good offer, or story, or service and can word that well then […]
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You Deliver Value, So Why Not Promise Value Up-Front?
by Tony Vidler        Why not promise value up-front if you know you can deliver that? It sems an obvious question to ask, yet I find myself continually asking it of financial advisers. Nearly every professional gives an initial “no obligation meeting” to prospective clients, and nearly everyone delivers value to those prospects during that initial […]
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4 Ways To Create Attention-Grabbing Headlines
by Tony Vidler        The headline does all the work of grabbing attention to begin with, and if you don’t grab attention then there is no chance of having a prospective client decide to engage with your marketing.   The logic is pretty simple really.  The buying journey for any consumer begins with someone getting […]
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