financial services innovation


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2 things to look for when hiring a Virtual Assistant
by Tony Vidler        As cost pressures mount and margins decrease for many professional service firms they are increasingly looking to hire “virtual” staff.  That is, staff who are not necessarily permanently on the payroll, and definitely not permanently on the premises needing “housing”. India and the Philippines are probably leading the charge in providing […]
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Innovation, not originality, is the key to better business.
by Tony Vidler        Everyone wants to grow their business, and everyone is looking for new ideas to do it.  But nearly everyone wants the magical original idea that nobody else has ever thought of before, that will guarantee results quickly.   Innovation is by definition original, but originality is not necessarily the same as […]
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Innovate to Differentiate (it CAN be done by professional services firms)
by Tony Vidler        One great way to differentiate is to innovate.  You do not HAVE to innovate to differentiate of course, but innovation definitely leads to differentiation. There is a perception that in order to innovate one must receive a flash of inspiration.  A blindingly brilliant epiphany-like moment.   Sometimes that happens.  More often […]
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This 1 Thing Could Lose You More Than 50% Of Your Clients
by Tony Vidler        For just about any practitioner to lose clients is bad, but losing 50% or more of their clients in a year would be a disaster.  It is enough to jeopardise a practice entirely of course, but even in a best case scenario it will hurt horribly, and for quite a long […]
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Maybe Financial Advisers Could Be Selling Coffee?
by Tony Vidler        Do you remember when petrol stations competed on client service? Fundamentally they were all selling the same basic commodity, at about the same price, to anyone who drove up.  That included the regulars who lived in the area and who had high lifetime value and the out-of-towners cruising through who just needed […]
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How “personal” should your personal service be?
by Tony Vidler        It is our livelihood in many respects, yet one of the vaguest phrases we use is “personal service”.  What is a personal service is not necessarily the same as a personalised service, and what is personal to one client may not be deemed a personal service to another.   So how […]
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To grow your practice, “Get out and make more mistakes”
by Tony Vidler        You want to grow your practice, right?  Well my first piece of advice may seem odd but it is this: “get out and make more mistakes”   Dangerous advice!  Reckless even perhaps….   …however it is the best way to grow.   It is also the only way to innovate or to […]
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Who says you can’t teach old dogs new tricks?
by Tony Vidler        Old folk don’t take on new technology and new ideas, right? You just can’t teach them. Or is that “us”? Well that theory is getting blown away in a pandemic-like-way…   There has been a continuous lament for years about the ageing of the financial advisory business and it is certainly true when […]
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challenge your thinking
Innovation in delivering Financial Advice: Does it have to be this way?
by Tony Vidler        “Innovation” and “delivering financial advice” do not usually go together for the majority in the industry. The way advice is delivered by tens of thousands of professionals tends to gravitate to the same methodology.  There is safety hiding in the herd, right?     Then the  type of advice delivered by tens […]
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