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The Financial Advice Profession: Are we there yet?
by Tony Vidler        The incessant debate about whether financial advice can be called a profession or whether it is an “industry” keeps rolling along and mostly the debate is within the industry. Those who are not financial advisers don’t debate it because the answer is fairly clear to them I am guessing….after all; if it […]
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Automating social media for financial advisors
Does Automation Make You Robotic?
by Tony Vidler        Automation of repetitive tasks and functions makes perfectly good business sense, and we generally accept that it is a wise move in financial services to automate as much as possible when it comes to “processes”.   The arguments for doing so largely revolve around efficiency, reliability, and risk management.  That is, […]
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How do you prepare clients to recommend you?
by Tony Vidler        Having clients recommend you remains the best marketing tactic there is, bar none. Despite plenty of research is telling us that our future clients are making buying decisions differently today, than say 5 years ago and despite the impact of online content and search many consumers still ask their friends and […]
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In Process there is Profit!
by Tony Vidler        That word “process” is just deadly for so many advisers today that too many won’t have bothered reading this far…but process creates profit. But Process IS Profit.   “Process” has become associated simply with compliance in delivering financial advice, but process is way more than that.   Processes become the IP […]
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Prospecting Tip: Don’t go fishing in the forest
by Tony Vidler        If you are looking for a prospecting tip think about this: 1. Relatively few financial advisers are really pro-active marketers, let alone masters of it. 2. The majority of affluent investors hang around with other affluent folk. 3. The Holy Grail for many financial advice professionals is to attract affluent clients and […]
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How to convert 70% of your opportunities instead of 30%
by Tony Vidler        Imagine the difference to your business if you were able to convert twice as many opportunities.  You spend the same money and effort  but get twice as many sales as a result…it would add a bit to your bottom line wouldn’t it?   The decades old strategy of crunching through the numbers […]
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How to use LinkedIn Groups to build your audience
by Tony Vidler        LinkedIn Groups would have to be one of the easiest ways today for any professional to go about building an audience…or a community of like-minded folk.  And that is what we want our marketing to achieve if we want our business to grow, isn’t it?   It seems that what stops many […]
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The Value Of The Financial Planner: Fixing finances, the future, and feelings
by Tony Vidler        Many question the value of the financial planner, and there has been plenty of research in recent years to attempt to quantify that value.  Quantifying value of advice is a recipe for debate, as the actual difference in net worth or security which can be attributed to the work of the […]
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creating content your customers want
Creating content that customers want
by Tony Vidler        Creating content that customers want is not as hard as advisers think it is.  It is continually suggested by financial advisers that it is difficult to create articles and tips which their customers will enjoy and value and which support the rest of  their marketing and customer service strategies.   Financial Advisers […]
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LinkedIN for Financial Advisers
The Top 10 Tips for Advisers to get some LinkedIn value
by Tony Vidler        Advisers use of LinkedIn generally leaves a lot to be desired and too many treat it as a static display of their CV.  It is a networking platform upon which too few actually do any networking.  To get good value from it follow the basics of networking that you already know…engage in […]
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