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Generalist V Specialist: Is it harder to be a sprinter or a decathlete?
by Tony Vidler        Generalist or specialist?  This is an ongoing dilemma for many financial advisers and there is a widely held belief that becoming the specialist is harder to do.   But is it really?   Let’s look outside the world of professional services and into the highly competitive, no-room-for-mistakes, world of the Olympic athlete […]
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The challenge of the DIY consumers for Financial Advisers
by Tony Vidler        Some telling research was done by Dr Claire Matthews of Massey University that highlighted the DIY (Do It Yourself) consumers mindset, and the challenges which that poses for financial advisers. The research was specifically on “KiwiSaver and Retirement Savings”, and explored some of the issues and attitudes of Kiwi’s. While the research […]
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Financial Adviser Titles: What’s in a name?
by Tony Vidler        Do financial adviser titles matter?  A good question given the number of advisers who seem to try and elevate their professional positioning by referring to themselves as something other than “a financial adviser”.  You know what I mean….financial advisers who have titles like “Risk Mitigation Specialist” or “Personal Financial Manager”….     Something […]
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financial advisor sales & marketing
Prospecting has never been easier…for some!
by Tony Vidler        Prospecting seems to remain the biggest day to day business problem for financial advisers, yet prospecting has never actually been easier.   If you polled 100 advisers with this simple question I would wager that more than half would answer: “getting enough new business prospects to meet my business objectives”.   Prospecting […]
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good financial advice
Are you giving good advice, or giving what they want?
by Tony Vidler        Giving good advice is different to giving people what they want, isn’t it?  Most financial advisers can do both, and many do in fact deliver both. That is, they often give people what they want because that is after all what the consumer wanted….and the consumer is the boss and has the […]
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Which CRM is right for you?
by Tony Vidler        I am losing track of how often I get asked “which CRM do you recommend?”  It is a huge decision for a professional service business, and an area where every solution offered seems to fall a little short in one aspect or another.   The problem is that for a financial […]
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damned good advice for financial advisors
Maybe this is an opportunity: Picking a good financial adviser is harder than ever for consumers
by Tony Vidler        Choosing a good financial adviser has always been a bit of a leap of faith for consumers I guess, but picking one today is harder than ever.   With the tendency to use search to screen possible contenders, and with most contenders having to use the same acronyms and titles and so on, […]
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Have Financial Advisers Missed Out On The Social Media Opportunity?
by Tony Vidler        After a decade of NOT adopting what is clearly the biggest evolution in consumer communication methods in half a century (at least!), there is a mood amongst many financial advisers that they have “missed the wave” on the social media marketing opportunities.   One might as well say you’ve “missed the wave” […]
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Why advertising doesn’t work sometimes
by Tony Vidler        At some point most professionals consider using advertising as a means of lead generation, and usually it doesn’t work quite as well as they hoped. There are a few things to get right when it comes to creating advertising which generates the results you hoped for but the most obvious reason […]
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How A Few Advisers Get Great Social Media ROI
by Tony Vidler         Why do some advisers seem to do so well and get such great social media ROI while others find it fruitless?  There are financial advisers literally building businesses on the back of social media – it is that powerful for them.  Yet there are hordes of advisers who would suggest that social […]
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