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Financial Advisers Should Be Coaching
by Tony Vidler        Coaching is about changing behaviour in order to change results. Advising is telling people what, and perhaps how, something should be done.  Advising is basically “having the answer” and telling someone what it is in its most simple form.  Coaching is a blend of telling and teaching, monitoring and managing, and, […]
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the right advice style
How To Deliver The “Right Advice” In The “Right” Way
by Tony Vidler        Delivering the right advice consists of getting 2 things right: delivering advice that will work for the client, and delivering it in a manner which will result in the client taking action  upon the advice.   Getting both of those right is no simple thing.   The first of them is […]
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financial planning process for prospects
Show Prospects Your Advice Planning Process To Get CLIENTS
by Tony Vidler        The Challenge: Getting prospects to buy into your financial advice planning process.   The Solution: Show them HOW the process works before asking them to commit.   The keywords there are “show” and “how“….and it is because so many advisers do not focus on these 2 words in the earliest stages […]
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“Always Be Coaching”, NOT “Always Be Closing”
by Tony Vidler        Coaching clients is a concept which is beginning to gain traction with financial advisers, and for many this is a new line of thinking.  After all, they were taught that “you should always be closing”, right?  No matter what else you are doing with prospective customers, and no matter what they […]
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Position Advice Properly as Success Coaching
by Tony Vidler        The perennial challenge in selling advice is positioning it as valuable, and we should think about it and describe it the right way: great advice is about coaching. It IS coaching.   Giving advice is all about analysing the desired outcomes for clients, weighing up the possibilities, deciding on the optimal […]
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