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The Advisory Practice Of The Future: Advisers Should Include Robo’s
by Tony Vidler        Robo’s are a threat to advice businesses in much the same way that a chilly bin is a threat to the sale of refrigerators. Most of us own both and use both, right? The advisory practice of the future will also be embracing multiple ways of delivering what consumers want…sometimes a […]
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financial planning process for prospects
Show Prospects Your Advice Planning Process To Get CLIENTS
by Tony Vidler        The Challenge: Getting prospects to buy into your financial advice planning process.   The Solution: Show them HOW the process works before asking them to commit.   The keywords there are “show” and “how“….and it is because so many advisers do not focus on these 2 words in the earliest stages […]
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valuable linkedin marketing
How to use your most valuable online real estate well!
by Tony Vidler  The most valuable piece of online “real estate” any professional has today is their LinkedIn Summary section.  It is searchable content, and there is LOADS of room to tell your story or compelling points of difference, or highlight your expertise….yet so many professionals barely use 50% of the space allowance, and even […]
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soft dollars adviser incentives
Soft Dollars are terminally ill….thankfully
By Tony Vidler, CFP CLU ChFC I’m calling it: Soft dollars for financial advisers as we know them today is officially “terminally ill”.  Their death is not quite guaranteed, but the odds are very high that they shall die soon’ish…  But I personally think they will die far faster than most expect.  And thank God […]
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