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Who Does That Adviser Work For?
by Tony Vidler        Which financial adviser is going to be right: the one who charges a fee; the one who is “free”; or; the one charging a commission?  Or is it the one who does all of these?     Well I suggest that it depends on what you are hoping for and what you […]
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Are you a GOOD Adviser?
by Tony Vidler        Another week and another bad adviser horror story in the local press…yet, another week and thousands more consumers work with their good adviser privately and attract no headlines. They just make progress quietly towards their savings or investment goals, or protecting their families, or building financial safety nets, and so it goes […]
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Advisers Could Get Better Returns On Their Investment
by Tony Vidler        It is a little ironic that many professionals in the business of advising people how to get better returns do not do what they should to get a better return on one of their own biggest investments – their business.   Many advisers think a successful personal retirement is simply a matter […]
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Could you be a Thought Leader Adviser?
by Tony Vidler         A big phrase of recent times for anyone in professional services is “Thought Leadership”. Everywhere you turn someone is writing or saying “be a thought leader”…and nearly every audience asks “what is a Thought Leader, and how do you get there?”   To put it in its most simple terms, it […]
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How can you value financial advice?
by Tony Vidler        Putting a value upon financial advice is a tough issue for advisers and consumers alike.  There is a pretty basic concept as far as “Value” goes for any consumer purchase though which is not a bad starting point, and it can be put into a formula: “Value = Benefits – Cost“ It […]
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The New Paradigm of Professional Services Marketing
by Tony Vidler        There has been a significant paradigm shift in how professional services marketing and sales functions interact.   A fundamental change to how we understand and use the knoweldge of the consumers emotional buying cycle has already happened.   The traditional view of “marketing generating leads” and then “sales converting leads into customers” […]
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What IS good content for sharing and engaging prospects?
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to creating GOOD content that is engaging prospects and your target audience there are a few things to get right, but most of the things you need to get right are not really about what you write or produce. So what makes really good content is not just […]
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Practice Development: The Danger Of Promoting A Competent Adviser
by Tony Vidler        A genuine danger in practice development is promoting a competent adviser to a role which they are unable to perform well in.  In any organisation there is a real risk that a person is encouraged to rise to their level of incompetence.   This is just as true for the self […]
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Keep It Simple: Give Prospects What They Want When They Google An Adviser
by Tony Vidler        An adviser client asked me recently what to put on his website as he was re-designing it and he had lots of great ideas of course, but I started my answer with “how are they going to find the site?”   Google.   That was the answer…Google because basically everyone uses […]
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The Financial Advisory World Has Changed…For Good.
by Tony Vidler         Well there is no way now that we can think the financial advisory world will stay the same.  It has been signalling dramatic change for a few years, but the changes are now escalating at an even more dramatic rate than anyone could have predicted. It feels like it is all […]
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