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Where to begin with creating a Value Proposition?
by Tony Vidler        Creating a compelling Value Proposition is difficult, but if it is achieved it becomes central to a professional’s marketing.   The Value Proposition is in effect your promise to your target market: “This is what I will do for you” is what it says in simple terms.   The problem that […]
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the sale you have to make
The first sale you have to make…
by Tony Vidler There is a sale that advisers have to make, before they make a sale.  The first sale that has to be made is YOU.   Advisers often tell me they are struggling to get potential clients to engage.  The increasing compliance and documentation of advice, and the need to establish professional credentials […]
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Do you really know what your clients want?
by Tony Vidler        Do you really know what your clients want?   A classic mistake that professionals tend to repeat is assuming that their clients all want the same thing, which coincidentally is the very thing that the professional specialises in.  There are usually 2 things wrong with this assumption:    clients are not all […]
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The Value Of The Financial Planner: Fixing finances, the future, and feelings
by Tony Vidler        Many question the value of the financial planner, and there has been plenty of research in recent years to attempt to quantify that value.  Quantifying value of advice is a recipe for debate, as the actual difference in net worth or security which can be attributed to the work of the […]
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How can you value financial advice?
by Tony Vidler        Putting a value upon financial advice is a tough issue for advisers and consumers alike.  There is a pretty basic concept as far as “Value” goes for any consumer purchase though which is not a bad starting point, and it can be put into a formula: “Value = Benefits – Cost“ It […]
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Position Advice Properly as Success Coaching
by Tony Vidler        The perennial challenge in selling advice is positioning it as valuable, and we should think about it and describe it the right way: great advice is about coaching. It IS coaching.   Giving advice is all about analysing the desired outcomes for clients, weighing up the possibilities, deciding on the optimal […]
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Demonstrate Value And Prospects Will Choose You
by Tony Vidler        Smart advisers today make sure they are demonstrating their value to prospects.   Having a prospect who is interested enough to hear what you have to offer has always been a necessary step on the path to getting a client, and it obviously remains so today. However, who the prospect decides […]
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Value is not Black and White, it is Shades of Grey
by Tony Vidler        At the most basic level “Value” can easily be defined: Value is Benefits less Costs. That simple definition doesn’t highlight the enormous range of definitions for “Benefits” though, which is why trying to understand what value is results in everyone seeing a different shade of grey. The range of possible benefits […]
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The Professional’s Branding Challenge: how to look different while blending in (& why it matters)
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to creating a personal brand as a professional, the irony is we have to look different – while blending in and looking the same. One cannot afford to look any less professional than your peers or competitors.  So to a large degree degree there is a market expectation […]
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your story
Be like George…share your story!
by Tony Vidler        Professionals should take a leaf out of George’s playbook and share their story.   Be like George.   Who is George?   He’s just a young man who is trying to get ahead in life and who took the initiative to get out and start marketing himself – and is doing […]
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