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This is THE shift in how Professional Services marketing has changed
by Tony Vidler        This is how much professional services marketing has changed in just the last few years…the head of a national real estate firm which settles 14,000 deals a year explained the marketing process and how they achieve their results.  Here it is: Over 95% of all new customer enquiries now begin online. 100% of […]
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Marketing Your Expertise Via Webinar
by Tony Vidler        Advisers attend plenty of webinars, but very few seem to use a webinar marketing program themselves for marketing to potential clients, and it is a marvellous opportunity (if done well) to really position your expertise. Prospects generally have no issue tuning in to watch broadcasts on any number of areas of interest, […]
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If you have no better way to market yourself, there is this…
by Tony Vidler        When all else fails and you are at a loss to market yourself effectively the easiest marketing path is to sell “convenience”. One thing you can count on is that there will be a significant proportion of the market place that values convenience above all else.  We all know, because we […]
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digital marketing for financial advisors
5 basic tips for helping your next customers find you
by Tony Vidler        In a perfect world customers find you, rather than you having to find them.  The world is never entirely perfect of course, but certainly we can often do better in having customers find us…and the good news is that today’s customers are out there looking for the right provider.   We […]
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Use This If You Want Consumers Attention Quickly
by Tony Vidler        If you really want to reach out and connect with prospects and get consumers attention quickly then it makes sense to look at using the communications method that they overwhelmingly majority prefer: text messaging.   SMS. Text. Texting.  Call it what you will…study after study shows the effectiveness both in terms […]
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Your Marketing Tactics? Well, it depends…
by Tony Vidler        Which marketing tactics are worth considering for your professional promotion largely comes down at the start to being clear about your desired positioning.  Are you wanting to be seen as a “General Practitioner” or are you trying to establish a position as a “Specialist” for a start?   The tactics that […]
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Are You “Marketing” The Right Message?
by Tony Vidler        Do you know what business you are in? Are you clear on what you achieve for customers?   Does your marketing message reinforce that?   Are you marketing what it is you actually DO, rather than what you know or who you are…or worse: you are marketing some other businesses products […]
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Niche or Nest Marketing: Which is Best?
by Tony Vidler        Niche marketing and nest marketing are concepts which are often confused, or referred to interchangably, by advisers. They are not the same thing, and they are also not even mutually exclusive: you can do both of course.  In fact I’d challenge the view that professionals should find “A” niche…why wouldn’t you […]
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Build An Audience Through Twitter
by Tony Vidler        Instead of “prospecting” shift the thinking to how to build an audience if you want a pool of potential future clients who might engage you.  That is one of the main factors in creating ongoing demand for advisory services in todays world.   Consumers are choosing when and how to engage, […]
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Take a look at Twitter if you want new ideas
by Tony Vidler        If you want new ideas for how to develope your business or inspiration for your own content marketing then you really should look at Twitter.  It is a platform that many advisers have simply ignored as far as I can see, but it is well worth taking a look at.   […]
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