compliance uncertainty


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Compliance & social media use for financial advisers
How Advisers can remain compliant while using social media
by Tony Vidler        The difficulty of using social media but remaining compliant as a financial adviser seems to be a concerrn cited as a reason to not use social media by those advisers.  Various aspects of “compliance” are cited: the provision of best practice advice, privacy constraints, or legal responsibilities to a corporate stakeholder, […]
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Handling Regulatory Uncertainty
by Tony Vidler        The regulatory uncertainty level amongst advisers is just about at an all time high.  It’s not just new rules that create the uncertainty; it is the shift to principles-based or outcome-focussed regulation that doesn’t have the definitive and prescribed series of “thou shalts” and “thou shalt nots” which creates the most uncertainty.  […]
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The Financial Advice Profession: Are we there yet?
by Tony Vidler        The incessant debate about whether financial advice can be called a profession or whether it is an “industry” keeps rolling along and mostly the debate is within the industry. Those who are not financial advisers don’t debate it because the answer is fairly clear to them I am guessing….after all; if it […]
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5 Simple Steps To Audit Yourself
by Tony Vidler        How can an adviser be confident their advice is good before trouble starts?  In other words, how do you audit yourself?   There are 5 key things that the adviser must do – and be able to evidence afterwards – to show that they have worked for the benefit of the client, […]
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Regulation of financial advisors
Time to get with the program on regulation
by Tony Vidler        For all the distractions, downtime and inefficiency that comes with new (or more) financial services regulation it is very easy to see it as an imposition.  Many advisers conclude that regulation is simply bureaucracy which in itself creates little to no value.   I am no fan of meaningless bureaucracy, but […]
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