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cenrte of influence prospecting
Which prospecting method delivers the best results?
by Tony Vidler        The prospecting method that keeps on delivering the most opportunities is Referrals.   A distant second in the source of new clients for advice firms is Centre of Influence referrals.   Research by the Financial Planning Association showed that on average in the previous year some 34% of new clients came from […]
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The 10 Things To Get Right For COI’s To Start (and Keep) Referring
by Tony Vidler        A great Centre-of-Influence keeps referring…they are not really a COI unless they keep referring.  That relatively reliable constant stream of introduction to target market prospects can build an advisory business better than any other form of marketing – especially if you have a few of them.  So identifying a potentially great […]
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The key to successfully networking with Accountants
by Tony Vidler The key to successful professional networking is as simple as creating a win-win…everyone knows that. Networking with accountants will be successful if you know what the “win” looks like for them.   Advisers historically – for all their networking and personal sales and relationship management skills – have not been terribly successful […]
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referreals not converting
Referrals Not Converting? This may be why…
by Tony Vidler        Too many referrals today are not converting into clients for too many professionals – and all too often the professionals are puzzled about why that is.   Typically it comes down to us not looking good enough on line.  Todays referrals usually do a quick search before deciding whether to meet […]
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Prospecting Tip: Don’t go fishing in the forest
by Tony Vidler        If you are looking for a prospecting tip think about this: 1. Relatively few financial advisers are really pro-active marketers, let alone masters of it. 2. The majority of affluent investors hang around with other affluent folk. 3. The Holy Grail for many financial advice professionals is to attract affluent clients and […]
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This Is Why Most Centre-Of-Influence Referral Marketing Efforts Fail
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to referral marketing efforts there are basically two types of consistent ongoing referrers you can cultivate: 1. happy & satisfied clients 2. centres-of-influence   The second category is the one that many advisers struggle with particularly, and the reason they struggle is because they try to develope the […]
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How One Successful Financial Planner Gets New Business (part 2)
by Tony Vidler         Professionals are always interested in what other professionals are doing that leads to new business and becoming more successful.  The constant question is: “What are others doing that are successful for them?”   In a previous post one leading financial planner shared where he gets his new business from, and the […]
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constant referral set up
Set Yourself Up Properly For Constant Referrals
by Tony Vidler        To make sure you get constant referrals you need to have a process for making sure that ALL of the actions which go into generating a consistent stream of opportunities are happening ALL the time. It is a little like trying to play golf: there’s a heck of a lot that […]
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