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The Value of GETTING Good Advice
by Tony Vidler        If you believe in the value of advice, then it makes sense to believe in the value of getting good advice for yourself – or rather, for your business. Nearly every small business can benefit from having a robust governance structure providing strategic input (and insight), additional skills, accountability and excellent […]
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Financial Advisers Should Be Coaching
by Tony Vidler        Coaching is about changing behaviour in order to change results. Advising is telling people what, and perhaps how, something should be done.  Advising is basically “having the answer” and telling someone what it is in its most simple form.  Coaching is a blend of telling and teaching, monitoring and managing, and, […]
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You get the behaviour that you reward
by Tony Vidler        We tend to get the right behaviour when we see it and reward it repeatedly.  Kindergarten teachers know it, so why don’t the leaders of professional services firms know it and use it? Here are a couple of real examples of how this plays out: In one instance it was watching […]
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Compliant Advice: Here are the only 3 things that matter
by Tony Vidler         Whenever the topic of compliance, or the “advice process”, comes up most advisers see themselves like this: Everyone is throwing everything at you with the sole intention of destroying you, right? As a consequence, compliance is largely considered a burden.  As is usually the way of these things a substantial body […]
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Clients need to be reasonable and meet expectations too
by Tony Vidler        It is not unreasonable to have reasonable expectations, is it? Whenever we enter into an agreement with somebody else to work together on anything it is fair to say that we both have expectations about how the arrangement is going to work. That applies whether the arrangement is moving into a […]
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How can you tell if your practice is winning?
by Tony Vidler        A financial advisory practice may be doing well and making money without knowing whether it is winning or losing compared to the rest of the market.  You can be profitable, but still lagging the level of profitability of the bulk of the market.  Or you could be borderline profitable but well ahead […]
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How to do client video testimonials the right way!
by Tony Vidler        Testimonials are good for business – but we all know that, right? Video testimonials are even better for business – and not everyone has got THAT yet. Being able to see the body language, and hear the inflections in a clients voice as they talk about their positive experience, are far […]
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Sales management is more than “make the troops jump through hoops”
by Tony Vidler        The majority of professionals running practices have superb technical competency, and often have significant commercial management skills, but a very common shortcoming is “Sales Management” experience or skills. The typical result of this shortcoming is that management of the revenue producers in a professional practice becomes a matter of making the […]
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What you should expect from good coaching
by Tony Vidler        It is a peculiar thing…most of us recognize the difference that getting good coaching – or poor coaching – can make to any athlete or sports teams performance.  In fact most of us have often held quite passionate views about the merits of coaches…Very few professionals however seem to make the […]
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sales skills for financial advice
The missing ingredient in professional development: SKILLS
by Tony Vidler        We are awash with recommendations on how to “improve the advice business” and enhance professional developement.  Regulators, politicians, consumer groups, product manufacturers…competing business models that look to bypass advice entirely….all of them are making a lot of noise about how advice delivery can be improved and where professionals involved in the […]
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