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How To Balance Satisfied Clients With Profitability
by Tony Vidler        What impact on practice profitability does this have: “Despite ongoing efforts to improve service, positive customer experience levels decreased significantly across the world” This was from a report released a little while ago on the performance of the insurance sector globally, and it highlights a real dilemma for practitioners. Can we […]
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Client Segmentation Needs To Be Done Commercially
by Tony Vidler        It is logical to do a bit of client segmentation so that you can figure out what levels of service can be offered to which clients profitably.  The funny thing is that most of the time it is the “profitably” part that gets lost in the client categorisation process….   While […]
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important or urgent
Priorities: Which urgent AND important person comes first?
by Tony Vidler        The classic urgent AND important dilemma: your best client is on the phone talking to you.  An incoming call from your top Centre-of-Influence comes in while talking to your best client.   Do you “end and accept” – hanging up on your best client?  Do you ignore your COI? Are you […]
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