buying journey


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Demonstrating Value To Make Prospects Choose You
by Tony Vidler        Successful advisers today make sure they are demonstrating value to prospects...before the prospects have agreed to engage and become clients. Having a prospect who is interested enough to hear what you have to offer has always been a necessary step on the path to getting a client, and it obviously remains […]
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Pitching Your Marketing To The Target Client’s Buying Journey
by Tony Vidler        Most of your target market today go on a “buying journey”.  That means they largely control what and when they will buy our products and services…and it is rarely a snap decision made the same day.  It is a process of increasing awareness, education and trust building. Every practice needs to be […]
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If you want people buying your advice, then dumb it down!
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to getting people buying your advice one of the best tips I can give is “dumb it down- but don’t treat them like dummies“. There is a big difference between “dumbing it down” and treating people as if they are dumb.  The first is about simplifying the message in […]
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Understand The Buying Journey To Get More Clients
by Tony Vidler         The decision-making process – or buying journey as it has become known – that prospective clients go through today is complex, time-consuming for all parties, and is also often an incredibly  frustrating affair for all parties.  It is less frustrating if we understand what is actually going on and allow the […]
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It Is A Journey To Becoming An Advice Client
by Tony Vidler        Becoming an advice client is not quick and easy for consumers really…every decision, every solution, every recommendation seems to be a major journey for them.   We know it is true, and we know that the process of onboarding a new client takes longer than ever and more barriers to engagement […]
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Reaching todays “common client”
by Tony Vidler        Reaching todays common client is not easy for professionals.  They are easy to find for sure, but reaching them and getting their attention is something else again.  When you consider how a buying process happens today it becomes a lot easier to understand why it is so hard – and what […]
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