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Financial Adviser Titles: What’s in a name?
by Tony Vidler        Do financial adviser titles matter?  A good question given the number of advisers who seem to try and elevate their professional positioning by referring to themselves as something other than “a financial adviser”.  You know what I mean….financial advisers who have titles like “Risk Mitigation Specialist” or “Personal Financial Manager”….     Something […]
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How can you value financial advice?
by Tony Vidler        Putting a value upon financial advice is a tough issue for advisers and consumers alike.  There is a pretty basic concept as far as “Value” goes for any consumer purchase though which is not a bad starting point, and it can be put into a formula: “Value = Benefits – Cost“ It […]
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Pro Bono Pays In The Long Run
by Tony Vidler        Pro bono is a novel concept for many in an evolving profession – working for free for the public good.  But pro bono pays in the long run in a number of ways for a professional.  It may sound counter-intuitive but giving away your knowledge, skill and time for free is a […]
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The Professional’s Branding Challenge: how to look different while blending in (& why it matters)
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to creating a personal brand as a professional, the irony is we have to look different – while blending in and looking the same. One cannot afford to look any less professional than your peers or competitors.  So to a large degree degree there is a market expectation […]
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