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Get clients saving more with the 10/30/60 Rule
by Tony Vidler        One of the biggest issues for advisers is to get clients saving more.  Getting them to do now what will be good for later means deferring instant gratification and the constant  “we wants”, even in countries where compulsory or incentivised retirement savings schemes exist.   A fascinating piece of work for any […]
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Build Capacity With Virtual Assistance
Tony Vidler Increasing professional service capacity is a challenge…do you wait until the decrease in service levels is costing you business? Or do you spend money you haven’t made yet to provide service which is not required by the extra clients you don’t have yet?   As a financial planner, what extra roles do you […]
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How to go about creating the RIGHT Strategic Alliance
by Tony Vidler        A good strategic alliance or two can be the thing that makes success for a professional services firm.  It can be a complete game changer.   In fact it is so important to get right that the key to finding and forging the right strategic alliance is thinking strategically to begin […]
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Don’t know how to make great visuals? No worries…
by Tony Vidler        Visual aids sell. Great visuals increase comprehension and speed of information absorption. Apparently the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. Well…I don’t know if the “60,000” is actually a fact but I found it on the internet, so it must be true.  I am sure too that regardless […]
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Building A Business: Lessons from Championship Teams
by Tony Vidler        Building a great advice business means building systems and capacity and people which leave as little as possible to chance. It is about building a dependable service and advice delivery system that continually generates sufficient revenue and happy customers, right?  Consistent results from consistent performance equals a great advice business.   […]
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professional development for financial advisors
The problem with Professional Development programs
by Tony Vidler Most training programmes for financial advisers end up being vaguely disappointing for the participants. Often the feeling is that the training is a bit too academic or theoretical and hard to implement in one’s practice…but the real reason why training fails is because it doesn’t address all the necessary components.  In order […]
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The Value Of The Financial Planner: Fixing finances, the future, and feelings
by Tony Vidler        Many question the value of the financial planner, and there has been plenty of research in recent years to attempt to quantify that value.  Quantifying value of advice is a recipe for debate, as the actual difference in net worth or security which can be attributed to the work of the […]
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good financial advice
Are you giving good advice, or giving what they want?
by Tony Vidler        Giving good advice is different to giving people what they want, isn’t it?  Most financial advisers can do both, and many do in fact deliver both. That is, they often give people what they want because that is after all what the consumer wanted….and the consumer is the boss and has the […]
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Which CRM is right for you?
by Tony Vidler        I am losing track of how often I get asked “which CRM do you recommend?”  It is a huge decision for a professional service business, and an area where every solution offered seems to fall a little short in one aspect or another.   The problem is that for a financial […]
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damned good advice for financial advisors
Maybe this is an opportunity: Picking a good financial adviser is harder than ever for consumers
by Tony Vidler        Choosing a good financial adviser has always been a bit of a leap of faith for consumers I guess, but picking one today is harder than ever.   With the tendency to use search to screen possible contenders, and with most contenders having to use the same acronyms and titles and so on, […]
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