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Eliminate tyre kickers, and value your expertise properly
by Tony Vidler        Being properly valued for your expertise and eliminating the time-wasting tyre-kickers is an ongoing problem for many financial advisers.  That is even more true for those making the transition from purely commission-based remuneration to generating fee-paying work where they are charging for that time or expertise. Managing the remuneration transition whilst also […]
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You need to get selling
by Tony Vidler   Advisers: Good advice process is not enough. Being technically competent is not enough. You have to get selling. I know that “Sell” is seen as a bit of a dirty word these days, but we cannot back away from the need for it. You have to sell if you are going to […]
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How to take the “R” out of FREE Advice
by Tony Vidler        Traditionally the financial services sector has been almost entirely remunerated via commission, and many advisers are still grappling with the basic question of how to make the transition – even if only in their minds – from working solely on commissions to charging clients directly for advice and/or service. Consumers perceived […]
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How To Crack The Content Creation Conundrum
by Tony Vidler        Content Creation appears to be the Number 1 barrier for professionals wanting to use digital marketing tactics.  Inevitably I seem to hear   “……Yeah, I think social media would be useful….but I have nothing to write about and nothing to say….“   Creating content is an issue.  Just as big an […]
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Easy business in the low-hanging fruit
by Tony Vidler        Everyone wants easy business yet we so often make it harder than it has to be.  Get the low-hanging fruit first. Twice as easy to get, and just as sweet. Nothing is wrong with it – and it’s smart business.     It’s not always simple to recognise where the easy business […]
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second opinion service from financial advisors
Marketing your Professional Opinion
by Tony Vidler        One of the best marketing ideas I have come across is the “Second Opinion” service, because it positions you as a professional, and as an “adviser” rather than a product centric financial services person.   The concept is brilliantly simple, and firmly centred upon providing sound professional advice.   You provide […]
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The 6 P’s of Sustained Peak Performance
by Tony Vidler        How to stay on top of your game, get the results that you want in business, and maintain peak performance….it all comes down to having a system, or a process.   Consistent output does after all usually result from consistent inputs….but putting in the right amount of the right things is what […]
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Why should they choose you?
by Tony Vidler        If you want ideal prospects to choose you over any number of other highly qualified professional advisers then you must have the ability to succinctly articulate what makes working with you special.  Why should they choose you? This is often referred to as having a “Unique Selling Proposition”, or USP.  While the […]
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The Art Of Giving Suitable Advice Which Is Defensible
by Tony Vidler         The most challenging area in forming a professional opinion is ensuring that it is “suitable advice”, as what is suitable is subjective – until the time comes somewhere in the future to see if the advice actually worked.   Despite the issue of nobody actually knowing whether advice really was suitable much […]
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Which Clients To Keep; Which Ones To Fire
by Tony Vidler         More clients is good, right? But when you have plenty of clients on the books the question becomes which clients to keep. Or which ones to get rid of.  Actually, advisers should be constantly asking these questions regardless of how big their book of clients actually is.  They are not questions […]
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