Share Your Opinions If You Want To Get Noticed
Marketing Ideas & Professional Services & Sales & Marketing for Professional Services & Value Proposition

Share Your Opinions If You Want To Get Noticed

November 2, 2020

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

thought leaderA core objective of great marketing is to get noticed, and what generates more notice than strong, well articulated and thoughtful opinions on topical issues?


Forming and then delivering an opinion is what professional advisers do for a living. With every client and every engagement opinions are created and expressed.  Virtually every incoming phone call and email that arrives from clients demands another opinion.


Advisers aren’t short of having opinions are we?


Why then do professional advisers veer away from expressing them in print?  Or on video?  Or on podcasts?  Surely blogs are heaven sent opportunities for advisers to deliver opinions en masse?


But in the main advisers are poor at taking advantage of the content circulation opportunity….and the fabulous opportunity to build a strong personal brand as a professional is wasted. Instead, we see bland content continually being delivered newsletters which expresses somebody else’s opinion.  Not surprisingly that “someone else” builds a reputation and awareness in the clients minds which surpasses the advisers.


Taking a stand or expressing a perspective or delivering an insight demonstrates leadership capabilities.  Not just thought leadership – which is excellent for building a great personal brand – but it shows actual leadership on how to tackle the problems and issues that consumers are grappling with.  Expressing opinions shows a way forward and demonstrates your concern for the interests of others.  It is in many respects a selfless act, although there is personal gain in building a strong personal reputation too.


Make no mistake that while I am a massive fan of the need to curate great content and share differing thoughts and perspectives with clients, and am not suggesting that advisers cease doing that, the bottom line is clients and prospects want to hear what YOU think.    They want your opinions and thoughts.   Equally, other prospects who are like your clients and have similar issues and aspirations are interested in the opinions and thoughts of people like you.  If you don’t have (and share) opinions and suggestions then why should they choose you over the competitor who does?


Any adviser wanting to get noticed and get more business should consider getting active with delivering their professional opinions into the public domain.  I have watched advisers in recent years ceased being personal client advisers as they have become so good at creating and delivering opinion, and shaping public thinking, that their business has become essentially one of publishing opinion instead of being personal advisers.  They are proof that if you want to get noticed and build your professional standing and business opportunities then you should state your opinions.


Have opinions.  Share them.  Build a great personal brand.

It’s good for your business.  It can be so good that it might even become your business.

You might also be interested in this related article:
 Marketing Your Professional Opinion
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